Suggestopedia is a specific set of learning recommendations
derived from Suggestology, which Lozanov describes as a “science
Suggestopedia tries to harness these influences and redirect them so
as to optimize learning.
The most conspicuous
they are: decoration, furniture, and arrangement of the
classroom, the use of music, and the authoritative
behavior of the teacher
“Memorization in learning by the suggestopedic method seems to be accelerated 25 times over that in
learning by conventional methods” (Lozanov 1978: 27).
All students can be taught a given subject matter at the same level of skill
Theory of language and learning
“Whole meaningful texts” (Lozanov 1978: 268) and notes that the suggestopedic course directs “the student
not to vocabulary memorization and acquiring habits of speech, but to acts of communication” (1978: 109).
Lozanov further claims that what distinguishes his method from hypnosis and
other forms of mind control is that these other forms lack “a
desuggestive-suggestive sense” and “fail to create a constant set up access to
reserves through concentrative psycho-relaxation”
There are six principal
theoretical components:
Concert pseudo-passiveness
Design: Objectives, syllabus, learning activities,
roles of learners, teachers, and materials
The objectives of Suggestopedia are to deliver advanced
conversational proficiency quickly. It bases its learning
claims on student mastery of prodigious lists of
vocabulary pairs and, indeed, suggests to the students
that it is appropriate that they set such goals for
Suggestopedia course, characteristics and content Lasts 30
days Ten units of study Classes are held 4 hours a day for
6 days a week Central focus " dialogue consisting of 1,200
words " divided in lexis and grammar
Adventages and
The methodology deliver to each students relaxation and comfort,
besides trust. The knowledge learned arrive through more quickly
Relaxation activities such as yoga, music, the friendly environment help
students concentrate and memorize faster new vocabulaty Encourages
students to learn more on their own components as authority among
others : organizes the school environment between students and
Maybe some students don't like the music or simply
they would like an environment of silence to learn. The
cost maybe is very expensive and not all students have
access for this new methodology of study. If the teacher
used all elements as music, yoga, soviet psychology the
teaching is more slow.