Preferential Treatment


Prewriting exercise for a written assignment
Corl Keith
Mind Map by Corl Keith, updated more than 1 year ago
Corl Keith
Created by Corl Keith about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Preferential Treatment
  1. Cause
    1. Wealth
      1. Fame
        1. Social Status
        2. Possible Negative Effects
          1. jealousy
            1. loss of trust
              1. lack of employment
                1. Unstable relationships
                  1. loss of funding
                    1. lack of education
                    2. Examples
                      1. Extended Deadlines
                        1. Greater percentage of mistakes forgiven
                          1. Excused Absences
                            1. Special Accomodations
                              1. Less wait times
                                1. Lighter punishment/consequence
                                  1. better rewards
                                  2. Perceived positive effects
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