Unit 1


Biology Mind Map on Unit 1, created by chloekennedy98 on 02/06/2013.
Mind Map by chloekennedy98, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by chloekennedy98 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Unit 1
  1. Healthy diets
    1. A healthy diet is a right balance of foods.
      1. Building up energy
        1. Carbohydrates
          1. Fats
            1. Proteins
            2. Mineral ions and vitamins keep the body healthy
              1. Exercise regularly
                1. Increases metabolic rate
                2. Obesity
                  1. Type 2 diabetes
                  2. Anorexia
                    1. Too little food
                      1. Malnourished
                    2. Pathogens
                      1. Cause infectious diseases
                        1. Tiny microorganisms
                          1. Bacteria
                            1. Enter text here
                            2. Viruses
                              1. Produce toxins
                                1. Make you feel ill
                                2. Small and reproduce inside your cells
                                  1. Damage to the cells make you feel ill
                              2. Infection
                                1. Transferred from person to person
                                  1. Semmelweis
                                  2. WASH YOUR HANDS
                                2. Medicines
                                  1. Relieve symptoms of disease but do NOT kill the pathogens
                                    1. Pathogens are destroyed by the white blood cells
                                    2. Bacteria
                                      1. Can be grown on agar jelly
                                        1. A gel made from algae, which provides an ideal growth medium
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