DNA Replication


A level Biology (Topic 1 (3.1)) Mind Map on DNA Replication, created by Charlotte Willis on 10/04/2018.
Charlotte Willis
Mind Map by Charlotte Willis, updated more than 1 year ago
Charlotte Willis
Created by Charlotte Willis over 6 years ago

Resource summary DNA Replication
  1. Genome
    1. Collective of all the DNA in a cell
      1. PROK
        1. Loop of naked DNA and plasimids
        2. EUK
          1. Nucleus, Mitochondria and Chloroplasts (plants)
            1. Cell replication
              1. Binary fission
                1. Mitosis
          2. Mitosis
            1. S Phase
              1. Replication of DNA
              2. G2
                1. replication of Chloroplasts and Mitochondria DNA
                2. G1
                  1. Interphase
                    1. Everything BUT Mitosis
                  2. DNA
                    1. 23 Pairs of chromosomes
                      1. If DNA was a language
                        1. Genes would be paragraphs
                          1. Chromosomes would be books
                      2. Process of DNA Replication
                        1. 1) Unwinding DNA
                          1. Gyrase
                          2. 2) Unzipping DNA
                            1. DNA Helicase
                            2. 3) Synthesis new strand
                              1. DNA Polymerase
                                1. 1.Free activated nucleotides align + H-bond to complementary base
                                  1. 2. DNA Polymerase catalyses the addition of bases in the 5'-3' direction
                                    1. Bases are added to the 3' end of the new strand
                                    2. 3. Condensation of activated nucleotides joining the nucleotides together by phosphodiester bonds
                                      1. 4. Joining of fragments of lagging strand by ligase enzyme
                                    3. Activated nucleotides?!
                                      1. Nucleotide w/ 3 phosphate groups attached
                                        1. Hydrolysis of 2 phosphate groups provide energy for the bond between nucleotides
                                          1. Energy ∴ provide energy for DNA synthesis
                                          2. ATP, CTP, GTP, TTP
                                            1. DNA replication = active process
                                            2. Semi-conservative replication
                                              1. Conserve half and the molecules and the other half is new
                                                1. PROK
                                                  1. Form a bubble w/the daughter strands in it
                                                  2. Mutations
                                                    1. 1 in10⁸ bases
                                                      1. doesn't necessarily harmful
                                                      2. Meselsohn + Stahl had 3 facts to prove semi-conservative replication
                                                        1. 1) All bases in DNA contain nitrogen
                                                          1. 2) ¹⁴N isotope is lighter than ¹⁵N isotope
                                                            1. 3) Bacteria must incorporate N from their growing medium into any new DNA
                                                              1. Experiment
                                                                1. (1) Firstly they grew bacteria in ¹⁵N
                                                                  1. (2) Extract a sample of the DNA (control)
                                                                    1. (3) Extract bacteria
                                                                      1. (4) Put in ¹⁴N medium
                                                                        1. (5) remove sample after 1st round of replication
                                                                          1. (6) 2nd sample removed after 2nd round of replication
                                                                            1. (7) Take 3rd sample after 3rd replication
                                                                      2. 2.1 Extract the DNA
                                                                        1. 2.2 Suspend in CSCl
                                                                          1. Allows DNA to float @ different depths depending on its density
                                                                            1. 2.3 Centrifuge
                                                                              1. Allow different layers to separate
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