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The Reign of Terror. Sept 1793 - July 1794 Junior Cert Revision
Junior Certificate History Mind Map on The Reign of Terror. Sept 1793 - July 1794 Junior Cert Revision, created by Ger McCabe Kelly on 02/05/2018.
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french revolution
reign of terror
junior cert
junior certificate
Mind Map by
Ger McCabe Kelly
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Ger McCabe Kelly
almost 7 years ago
Resource summary
The Reign of Terror. Sept 1793 - July 1794 Junior Cert Revision
National Convention set up up the Committee of Public Safety in Spring 1793 to deal with threats to the revolution
1. War with Austria
Introduce Mass conscription in the army
2. Uprisings in France such as in the Vendee
Use the army to brutally put down any rebels. 130,000 killed in he Vendee
3. Nobility and Church want their status back
Introduce the Law of Suspects to execute anyone who goes against the revolution
4. Increase in Food Prices
Introduce the Law of Maximum to keep bread prices down
Maximilien Robespierre was the head of the Committee of Public Safety
The Incorruptible
Leader of the Jacobins
Supported by the sans Cullotes
Results of the Reign of Terror
18,000 guillotined
40,000 officially dead
Many more killed in Vendee
Ended in July 1794 with arrest and execution of Robespierre
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