forming regular past tense


Follow the path to create regular pasts in English.
Mind Map by HelpingAnn, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by HelpingAnn over 10 years ago

Resource summary

forming regular past tense


  • Regular plural
  1. Does it end in vowel + consonant + vowel?
    1. YES
      1. Is the stress on the last syllable?
        1. YES
          1. Double the last consonant and add -ed
            1. stop - stopped
          2. NO
            1. Add -ed
              1. record - recorded
        2. NO
          1. Does it end in -l?
            1. YES
              1. Add -led
                1. travel - travelled
              2. NO
                1. Does it end in consonant + y?
                  1. YES
                    1. Get rid of -y and add -ied
                      1. carry - carried
                    2. NO
                      1. Does it end in -e?
                        1. YES
                          1. Add only -d
                            1. love - loved
                          2. NO
                            1. Add -ed
                              1. record - recorded
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