Just In Time Manufacture


Mind Map on Just In Time Manufacture, created by lewis Jones on 09/10/2014.
lewis Jones
Mind Map by lewis Jones, updated more than 1 year ago
lewis Jones
Created by lewis Jones over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Just In Time Manufacture
  1. Origin
    1. JIT was invented in Japan by the car company Toyota
      1. Based on "The Elimination Of Waste JIT And Automation"
      2. Examples/Sources of Waste Production
        1. Processing Time
          1. Overproduction
            1. Inventory - Waste created when Stocks are kept
              1. Transportation or Movement
                1. Defects - Products thrown away due to faults
                2. The Kanban
                  1. The Japanese for 'card or 'sign' its used visually to keep a controlled, everlasting flow of production.The Kanban can have many forms and will carry information about the products being produced.
                  2. When Should It Be Used?
                    1. When making quite a large number of units
                      1. When quality can be assured
                        1. When short setup times on machines are needed
                          1. When producing a high-value product
                            1. When having a steady production of defined standard products
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