Printed Circuit Board Product Profile


Printed Profile
Kamesa Williams
Mind Map by Kamesa Williams, updated more than 1 year ago
Kamesa Williams
Created by Kamesa Williams over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Printed Circuit Board Product Profile


  • A plastic fiberglass etched with copper for use to run computers, mobile phones, televisions, radios etc.
  1. Printed Circuit Boards
    1. Size of Global Market is US$35.8B
      1. Atlas of Complexity - 226th Most Complex Product of 1241


        • This is an open respository of complexity metrics and datasets to help researches discover the general properties of complex systems.
        1. Types of Printed Circuits
          1. Multi layers
            1. Rigid Flex
              1. Single Sided
                1. Double Sided
                2. Observatory of Economic Complexity


                  • The Worlds leading visualisation tool for international trade data. the OEC makes more than 50 years of international trade data through dozens of millions of  interactive visualisations
                  1. Key Markets
                    1. Regions
                      1. North America, Latin America, Western Europe, Middle East, Eastern Europe, Asia Pacific
                      2. Automotive
                        1. Manufacturing
                          1. Electronics
                            1. Market Segment
                              1. End User
                                1. Consumer Electronics
                                  1. Industrial Electronics
                                    1. Automotive Electrical
                                      1. Medical Systems
                                  2. what is it and how it is made
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                                  What is Marketing?
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                                  Marketing and Distributing
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                                  Business Studies: Marketing
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                                  Calculating Content Marketing Strategy ROI
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                                  Sensory Marketing
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                                  Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)
                                  Market & Technology Dynamics
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