Infection of the hair follicle “
Furuncle” / Staphylococcus aureus /
Cartilaginous meatus
S&S: Sever pain, discharge, hearing loss, and aural fullness. On
examination: Local tenderness, EAC edematous, tender
preauricular lymph node, furuncle in the posterior meatal,
and obliterations of the retroauricular groove
S&S: Pain, itching, aural fullness, and hearing loss. On
examination: tenderness, EAC narrow and congested, with
edematous skin, and there will be clear or purulent exudates
S&S: Otalgia, otorrhea, pain that tend to be worse at night,
radiating pain to temporomandibular joint “pain with chewing”
Fungal otitis externa
10% presents with S&S of otitis externa / 90%
aspergillus species, the rest candida species
S&S: Malodorous discharge, inflammation,
pruritus, scaling, and severe discomfort
Otitis Media
Children after sore throat, cold, or upper
respiratory / Bacteria: Streptococcus
pneumoniae (40%), haemophilus influenzae
(25%), moraxella catarrhalis (15%) / Viruses
(20%): Respiratory syncytial virus, rhinoviruses,
influenza viruses, and adenoviruses
S&S: Fever, irritability, vomiting, anorexia,
cough, pulling or rubbing of the “below 2
years”, otalgia, otorrhea, pain and hearing
loss, upper respiratory symptoms
Otitis media with effusion
S&S: Hearing loss, conductive hearing loss,
tinnitus, and bulging or retraction of
tympanic membrane. Self-limiting 80%, if it
persists (tympanostomy tube insertion)
Self-limiting 80%, if it
persists (tympanostomy
tube insertion)
Chronic suppurative otitis media
S&S: Hearing loss, delayed intellectual
development, limited employability, and
disturbed social life, fatal if untreated
Hearing loss
Conductive Hearing Loss
Sensorineural Hearing Loss
Mixed Hearing Loss
Facial nerve paralysis
Mastoiditis with subperiosteal abscess
Simple mastoidectomy: removing the infected
air cells, and draining middle ear
Radical mastoidectomy: removing mastoid air cells, eardrum, most of middle ear structures, and
ear canal. This procedure is reserved for complicated mastoid disease
Modified radical mastoidectomy: less severe form of radical mastoidectomy involves removing
mastoid air cells along with some, but not all, middle ear structures
Primary acquired
It happens because of tympanic membrane retraction which forms a cyst or pouch
Secondary Acquired
Happens secondary to the pathologic changes that happens to
the tympanic membrane: recurrent infections, perforation of
tympanic membrane or trauma to tympanic membrane
Caused by the remnants of epithelium that accumulate
during the embryological development and get trapped
in the middle ear behind the tympanic membrane
Aural polyps
An otic, or aural, polyp is a benign proliferation of
chronic inflammatory cells and granulation tissue that
is usually lined with benign reactive epithelium