

GCSE Psychology (Aggression) Mind Map on Aggression, created by Becca Westwell on 20/11/2014.
Becca Westwell
Mind Map by Becca Westwell, updated more than 1 year ago
Becca Westwell
Created by Becca Westwell over 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Explanations of Aggression
    1. Social Learning Theory
      1. -Observation -Imitation -Vicarious Rienforcement -Role Model -Monitoring
        1. Bandura et al
          1. Bobo dolls.
            1. Children will copy how they see others behave.
          2. Psychodynamic
            1. Freud
              1. Thanatos
                1. Megargee + Mendelsohn
                  1. Anger builds up
                  2. An unconscious drive which cause us to self-destruction.
                    1. The drive builds up creating pressure until it can no longer be controlled.
                      1. Results in aggressive behaviour.
                2. Dollard et al
                  1. Frustration-Aggression Hypothesis
                    1. Trigger is needed.
                      1. Barker
                        1. Children waiting to play with toys.
                  2. Biological
                    1. Testosterone
                      1. Young et al
                        1. Injected monkeys with testosterone.
                          1. Testosterone plays a vital part in aggressive behaviour.
                        2. Chromosomes XYY
                          1. Brain damage/disease e.g. limbic system
                            1. Raine et al
                              1. Brains of murderers.
                                1. When the pre-frontal ortex is not working normaly, it can lead to people commiting violent crimes.
                          2. Ways of Reducing Agression
                            1. Psychodynamic
                              1. Ego-defence mechanisms
                                1. Sublimation
                                  1. Safe activity e.g. sport
                                    1. Reduce the build up of aggressive instincts.
                                      1. Some sports increase aggressive instincts.
                                        1. Losing at the sport could cause frustration.
                                          1. Leads to aggression.
                                      2. Displacement
                                        1. Aggressive and harmful to others.
                                      3. Catharsis
                                        1. Greek plays full of murders.
                                          1. Less likely to murder.
                                          2. Tends to make us more violent.
                                        2. Biological
                                          1. Drugs
                                            1. Stimulates activity in the brain.
                                            2. Psycho-surgery
                                              1. Removes or destroys parts of the brain not functioning properly.
                                                1. Last resort.
                                                  1. Once destroyed, brain tissue will not grow back.
                                              2. Social Learning Theory
                                                1. Observe more non-aggressive role models.
                                                  1. Observe a role model being punished for aggressive behaviour.
                                                    1. Bandura
                                                      1. Punished/reinforced for aggression.
                                                        1. If children see aggression brings punishment they will not copy it.
                                                      2. Get people to think differently about how to behave.
                                                        1. Huesmann et al
                                                          1. Children taught TV is not real.
                                                            1. Aggression can be reduced by making children think about how they behave so that role models on television are not as influential.
                                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


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