Breathing and respiratory


Mind Map on Breathing and respiratory, created by Sahro Hussein on 18/03/2019.
Sahro Hussein
Mind Map by Sahro Hussein, updated more than 1 year ago
Sahro Hussein
Created by Sahro Hussein almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Breathing and respiratory
  1. Breathing
    1. Breathing is voluntary, but you can make it stop.
      1. Exhaling
        1. When you breathe out, all the muscle in your body relax. Your rib cage moves down, your diaphargm arches up and the volume of your chest returns back tonormal
        2. Inhaling
          1. When you breathe in, your rib cage muscles contract & flatten. That causes the space in your chest to expand and the air is sucked in to fill in the space available.
      2. Exercise and energy
        1. Exercising causes more energy to be used. That causes repiration to be speed up as well. Your body responses too it by: 1- Breathing faster and deeper And 2- Your heart beating faster. yuor body gets energy from oxygen and food.
        2. Respiratory system
          1. Nasal cavity
            1. Warms, moistens and cleans the air from bacteria
            2. Trachea to alveoli
              1. The moistened air passes through the trachea. The trachea divides into 2 bronchi. Each bronchus divides into bronchioles making the alveoli, which provides a larger surface area making it easier to breathe
              2. Gas exchange
                1. The alveoli cells are only 1 cell thick and are surrounded by tiny blood vessels called capillaries. Cells use oxygen to release food from glucose which creates carbon dioxide
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