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Hypovolemic shock
urinary systme mind map 1
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Mind Map by
Charles Naveen
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Charles Naveen
over 5 years ago
Resource summary
Hypovolemic shock
Patients' background
45 years old
Got into an accident
Physical examination
Obese woman
Abdomen and right lower limb bruised and wounded
Multiple abrasions and ecchymosis of abdomen
Vital signs
Temperature 36.8 C
Pulse rate 110 bpm
BP of 56/38 mmHg
Respiratory rate 25/min
Marked tenderness in right hypochondrium. Mild tenderness all over
Diminished bowel sounds
Unable to move right leg
A large ecchymotic area is seen on the right thigh with marked tendernes
Diagnostic/lab tests
X-ray shows gas under diaphragm
Diagnostic peritoneal lavage
Presence of blood and intestinal contents in the peritoneal cavity.
Portable X-ray shows fracture of the right femur.
Thoracic and cerebral injuries are excluded
Pre-operative preparations
Put on I/V fluids through a central venous line
Her CVP is recorded as 2mmHg
Bladder catheterized
200 ml of amber colored urine is drained
Immediately transfused with two units of O-ve blood
Lab investigations
Hb 6 g/dL,
PCV 15%
Blood group A –ve
Urine microscopy shows
(heme) granular casts (Muddy casts)
Erythrocytes and cellular debris.
lacerated liver
perforated ileum with hemoperitoneum
abdominal surgery and fixation of femur fracture lasted for about 6 hours.
Postoperative, Shifted to the surgical ICU
given I/V fluids and monitored continuously for vital signs
Urine output recorded as 10ml/hour in the first four hours
Her urine output increases to 20 ml/hour in the next 24 hours
Next day, her urine output declines to 10 ml/hour
The output continues to decline despite I/V infusion of fluids
Urine and blood samples sent for urgent laboratory investigations show
Hemoglobin 2nd P0 day rises to 7 g/dL with a hematocrit of 25%.
during transfusion she develops a transfusion reaction
Transfusion is stopped and replaced by plasma expanders
Blood and urine specimens sent for urgent investigations show
Final diagnosis
acute renal failure as a result of acute tubular necrosis
plasma creatinine, urea and potassium show a rise leading to ECG changes
Nephrologist advises urgent hemodialysis using an external cannula.
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