GCSE AQA Biology 1 Energy Transfer, Decay and The Carbon Cycle


A mind map to show key points on energy transfer, decay and the carbon cycle (includes carbon cycle diagram - drawn by me!) :)
Lilac Potato
Mind Map by Lilac Potato, updated more than 1 year ago
Lilac Potato
Created by Lilac Potato almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

GCSE AQA Biology 1 Energy Transfer, Decay and The Carbon Cycle
  1. Pyramids of Biomass
    1. Biomass: Mass of living material
      1. Less energy/biomass as you go up trophic levels
        1. Mostly pyramid-shaped
          1. Producer at the bottom
        2. Energy Transfer
          1. Energy from Sun - source of energy for life


            • Light energy converted to chemical energy
            1. Green plants use small % of light in photosynthesis
              1. Energy stored in cells - animals eat them
              2. Respiration supplies energy for movement
                1. Energy lost to surroundings as heat


                  • Especially in mammals and birds - have to keep body at constant temp.
                2. Some material is inedible and some is lost as waste
                  1. Hardly any food chains more than 5 levels


                    • Because so much energy is lost. Therefore, there is not enough left to support more organisms
                  2. Decay
                    1. Plants take in elements and pass through food chain


                      • Like carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen
                      1. Elements returned in waste products or when they die
                        1. Materials decay - broken down by microorganisms


                          • Elements return to soil
                      2. Microorganisms work best in warm & moist conditions with oxygen
                        1. Composting
                          1. Benefits
                            1. Recycles minerals & nutrients
                              1. Reduces landfill
                                1. Reduces production of methane
                          2. The Carbon Cycle
                            1. Only 1 arrow coming down - photosynthesis


                              • Carbon dioxide is removed from atmosphere by green plants, some of the carbon is used to make carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the plants
                              1. Some carbon returned as carbon dioxide - respiration


                                • Some carbon moves through food chain to animals
                                1. When plants/animals die, detritus feeders and microorganisms feed on remains
                                  1. These organisms respire
                                  2. Animals produce waste


                                    • Broken down by detritus feeders and microorganisms
                                    1. Useful plant/animal products are burnt (combustion) - releasing carbon dioxide
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