Endocrine Drugs


Endocrine drugs
Brandy Michelle
Mind Map by Brandy Michelle , updated more than 1 year ago
Brandy Michelle
Created by Brandy Michelle almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Endocrine Drugs
  1. Diabetes
    1. Type 1: Absence of insulin in the pancreas. Treatment is insulin replacement therapy
      1. Type 2: Insensitivity of cells to insulin signaling. Treatment-exercise and diet to promote weight loss, insulin therapy and medications
        1. Gestational: insensitivity of cells to insulin signaling during pregnancy. Treatment- blood glucose monitoring, diet, exercise, weight gain limitations and sometimes certain delivery requirements
          1. Insulin
            1. Rapid acting: onset 30 minutes, peaks in 30 minutes - 3 hours, works for 3-5 hours
              1. Short acting: onset 30-60 minutes, peaks in 2-4 hours, works for up to 12 hours
                1. Intermediate acting: onset 1 1/2-4 hours, peaks in 4-12 hours, work up to 24 hours
                  1. Long acting: onset .8 to 4 hours, does not have a peak, works up to 24 hours
                    1. Injection types: insulin pump or syringe
                      1. Treatment of hypoglycemia: giving carbohydrates or drinks with glucose (grape juice, soda)
                      2. Oral hypoglycemic medications: used in type 2, action-stimulate the beta cells in the pancreas to produce more insulin, types-secretagogues, sensitizers, mimetics, adverse effects-liver disease, severe infection, excessive alcohol intake, shock and hypoxemia
                      3. Thyroid Disorders
                        1. Hypothyroidism-inadequate production of thyroid hormones
                          1. Hyperthyroidism-excessive production of the thyroid hormone
                            1. Treatments: thyroid hormone replacement, thyroid hormone suppression
                            2. Adrenal disorders
                              1. Adrenal insufficiency (Addison's disease): when the cortex does not produce enough adrenocortical hormones
                                1. Hypercortisolism (Cushing's Disease): presence of cortisol adenoma
                                  1. Hyperaldosternism (Conn's Disease): adrenal glands produce excess aldosterone
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