Describing Learners


Learners Types
Catarina Albino
Mind Map by Catarina Albino, updated more than 1 year ago
Catarina Albino
Created by Catarina Albino over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Describing Learners
  1. Ages
    1. Young Children
      1. + Enthusiasm
        1. + Curious
          1. Easily bored
            1. Need indivivual attention
            2. Adolescents
              1. Individual identity
                1. Peer approval
                  1. Creative potential
                    1. Commitment to intersts
              2. Adults
                1. Life experience
                  1. Abstract Tought
                    1. Discipline
                      1. Motivation
                        1. Fear of Failure
              3. Learning Styles
                1. Tony Wright
                  1. The Enthusiast
                    1. The Oracular
                      1. The Participator
                        1. The Rebel
                        2. Keith Willing
                          1. Conformists
                            1. Convergers
                              1. Concrete Learners
                                1. Communicative Learners
                              2. Individual Variations
                                1. Neuro-linguistic Programming
                                  1. Visual
                                    1. Auditory
                                      1. Kinesthetic
                                        1. Olfactory
                                          1. Gustatory
                                    2. Multiple Languages Theory
                                      1. Musical/Rhythmic
                                        1. Verbal/Linguistic
                                          1. Visual/Spacial
                                            1. Bodily/Kinesthetic
                                              1. Logical/Mathematical
                                                1. Interpersonal
                                                  1. Intrapersonal
                                        2. Naturalistic
                                          1. Emotional
                                      2. Motivation
                                        1. Extrinsic
                                          1. Travel
                                            1. Financial Reward
                                            2. Intrinsic
                                              1. Likes to Learn
                                                1. To feel Better
                                                2. Sources
                                                  1. Society
                                                    1. Significant Others
                                                      1. The Teacher
                                                        1. The Method
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