Definite and Indefinite Articles


Mind Map on Definite and Indefinite Articles, created by Maria Brenneisen on 26/04/2021.
Maria Brenneisen
Mind Map by Maria Brenneisen, updated more than 1 year ago
Maria Brenneisen
Created by Maria Brenneisen over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Definite and Indefinite Articles
  1. Definite
    1. a + starting word with consonant.
      1. A glass of water
      2. a + word starting with pronounced h.
        1. A hotel
        2. a + word beginning with semiconsoante.
          1. A University
          2. an + word starting with vowel.
            1. An original course.
            2. an + word starting with h mute.
              1. An hour
            3. Indefinite
              1. Before nouns already mentioned or identified.
                1. I have a dog in my house.
                2. Before a singular noun that refers to the class or species.
                  1. The poor have trouble moving around town.
                  2. When the noun is unique or specified.
                    1. The cats in our neighborhood are very noisy at night.
                    2. Before geographic accidents.
                      1. The Amazon
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