
English for Specific Purposes
Brayan Ricardo Muñoz Muñoz
Mind Map by Brayan Ricardo Muñoz Muñoz, updated more than 1 year ago
Brayan Ricardo Muñoz Muñoz
Created by Brayan Ricardo Muñoz Muñoz over 3 years ago

Resource summary

  1. 1. Beginnings: after the Second World War 1945.
    1. • Domain of two forces, technology and commerce. • Expansion in the scientific, technical and economic field due to activity on an international scale. • Unified world. • Economic power of the United States, hence the need to implement English. • English became the international language of technology and commerce. • Businessmen and women learning English to sell their products and others to read instructions.
    2. 2. Development: accelerated by the 1970 oil crises.
      1. • Commercial pressures began to play a role. • Massive flow of western origin in oil-rich countries. • Necessity of learning English for business interaction between English-speaking countries. • English gained strength and became big business. • English became a subject of desire for learning by people of different languages as it gradually became an international language.
      2. 3. Revolution in linguistics: late 1960s and early 1970s.
        1. • Further expansion of research into the nature of particular varieties of English, for example descriptions of scientific and technical English written by Ewer and Latorre (1969). • Need for the implementation of courses. • Study of English grammar in a traditional way. • Development of courses for specific groups of students. (1985)
        2. 4. L2 Based on needs.
          1. • Development of a teaching-learning process based on the specific needs and aspirations of students. • Students and their attitudes towards learning an L2, since they have different needs and interests, which influence their motivation and effectiveness in this process (Rodgers, 1969).
          2. Last years: XXI century
            1. ESP today is recognized worldwide as the model for teaching English for specific purposes, this model has its essence in the development of a teaching-learning process based on the specific needs and aspirations of students.
              1. ESP Features:
                1. • Designed to meet the specific needs of the student. • Methodologies and activities focused on the discipline of training reference. • Focused on language (grammar, lexicon, register), skills, speech and genres appropriate to the target training.
                2. The variable characteristics are:
                  1. • ESP can be related to or designed for specific disciplines. • ESP can use, in specific teaching situations, a methodology different from that of the English. • ESP designed for adult students, either in a tertiary level institution or in a professional employment situation, also used for high school students. • ESP is generally designed for intermediate or advanced students. • ESP can also be used with beginners.
              2. Main types of ESP: (English for Specific Purposes)
                1. English for science and technology
                  1. • English for Academic Purposes (EAP) • English for Medicine (EAP) • English for Occupational Purposes (EOP) • English for Technicians (EOP)
                  2. English for business and economics
                    1. • English for Academic Purposes (EAP) • English for Business (ESBP) • English for Occupational Purposes (EOP) • English for Secretaries (EOP)
                    2. English for Social Sciences
                      1. • English for Academic Purposes (EAP) • English for Psychology (EOP) • English for Occupational Purposes (EOP) • English for Teaching (EAP)
                      2. English for General Purposes (EAP)
                        1. • Primary • High school • University
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