

A mind map of Chapter one
Mind Map by rallen3, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by rallen3 about 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Systems
    1. Boundary Maintaining
      1. Each territory has its own way of doing things.
      2. Deviant
        1. Someone who does something out of the norm of the group.
      3. Integrated Typology of Deviance
        1. 4 Categories
          1. Negative Deviance
            1. Nickname: Jeffrey Dahmer phenomenon Non-conformity is seen as negative and gets negative reactions
            2. Rate Busting
              1. Nickname: Geek phenomenon Over conformity seen as negative and is negatively evaluated
              2. Deviance Admiration
                1. Nickname: John Gotti Non- conformity seen as positive and gets positive reactions
                2. Positive Deviance
                  1. Nickname: Mother Teresa phenomenon Over conformity seen as positive and is positively evaluated
              3. Definitions of Deviance
                1. Accepted approaches
                  1. Normative
                    1. Or objectivist approach focuses on the violation of norms
                    2. Reactivist
                      1. Or subjectivist approach focuses on evaluations of the audience and the dynamics of their reactions
                    3. Negative approaches
                      1. Absolutist
                        1. Approach focuses on a standard of behavior that is moral and good any deviation from that behavior is considered deviance
                    4. American Values
                      1. Achievement, individualism, equality, group loyalty, privacy, prudence, conventionality, responsibility, participation, honesty, peacefulness, and courtesy
                        1. Henslin added education, religiosity, romantic love, and monogomy
                        2. Gibbs defines norm as a belief shared by some members of a social unit (regularities of action)
                        3. Durkheim
                          1. 1982 he illuminated positive functions of deviance. Has a functional view of society
                            1. Believed that deviance has the consequence of promoting social stability
                              1. 2 Theories
                                1. 1st Theory: Deviant behavior keeps society stable by defining social boundaries
                                  1. 2nd Theory: Deviance promotes integration by causing people who don't violate the norms to feel that they belng to the group that supports those norms. ( us against them)
                                2. Social Control
                                  1. Conflict inequality
                                    1. When a group is following norms and values that aren't in their best interest and they don't agree with them.
                                    2. Social Controls
                                      1. An organized way to teach and enforce conformity
                                      2. Two forms
                                        1. Informal social control
                                          1. Relationships with significant others those people whose opinion is important to you
                                          2. Formal social control
                                            1. Legal sanctions enforced by institutions like the police or legislatures
                                        2. Theories of Deviance
                                          1. Social Conflict Theory
                                            1. The organization and change of society can be explained by conflicts compared to other social relations
                                          2. Positive Deviance
                                            1. Objectivist view
                                              1. attitudes, behaviors, or condition that over conform to norms
                                              2. Subjectivist view
                                                1. any attitude, behavior, or condition that is positively evaluated
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                                              SOC Chapter 7: Deviance
                                              Functionalist theories of crime and deviance
                                              Sociology - Socialisation
                                              Patterns and Trends in youth deviance and social class
                                              Yasmine King
                                              Theories of Deviance
                                              Gender and Deviant Subcultures- Delinquent girls
                                              Yasmine King
                                              Patterns and trends in youth deviance and ethnicty
                                              Yasmine King
                                              Mass Media & Crime
                                              Ashleigh Gildroy
                                              Ethnicity and Deviant Subcultures
                                              Yasmine King
                                              Self-report Studies
                                              Mirjana Gavrilović Nilsson