Introduction to Databases


Part !
Mind Map by yuroshyini1719, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by yuroshyini1719 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Introduction to Databases
  1. Data
    1. raw info
      1. used in application systems
        1. online purchases
          1. elearning
            1. social media
        2. File system
          1. each program
            1. manages own data
            2. limitations
              1. fixed query
                1. separates data
                  1. duplicates data
                    1. data dependance
                      1. incompatible formats
                    2. DBMS
                      1. database system
                        1. create
                          1. organize
                            1. manages
                            2. Advantage
                              1. Data consistency
                                1. Concurrency
                                  1. Backup
                                    1. Flexibiity
                                      1. Redunduncy control
                                      2. Disadvantage
                                        1. complexity
                                          1. size
                                            1. cost
                                              1. performance
                                            2. DB: structured collection of related info organized for multiple usage
                                              1. components
                                                1. people
                                                  1. hardware
                                                    1. software
                                                      1. procedure
                                                        1. data
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