X- RAYS producing process


Two ways to produce X-Rays.
Tsvetlina Brankova
Mind Map by Tsvetlina Brankova, updated more than 1 year ago
Tsvetlina Brankova
Created by Tsvetlina Brankova almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

X- RAYS producing process
  1. Bremsstrahlung
    1. When near the tungsten anode, high-speed electron changes direction when passing near nuclei and this change of direction produces energy emitted as X-rays
      1. The primary source of radiation
    2. Characteristic radiation (K-shell emission)
      1. It occurs when an incident electron ejects an inner electron from the tungsten target. An electron from an outer orbitall is quickly attracted to the void in the deficient inner orbital. When the outer-orbital electron replaces the displaced electron, a photon is emitted. The process repeats until the cloud of e- becomes stable again.
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