Change Management


a few ideas related to change management
Mind Map by L F, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by L F about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Change Management
  1. Stakeholders
    1. Organisation
      1. Group
        1. Individuals
          1. Internal
            1. External
              1. Identify
                1. Engage
                  1. Manage
                  2. Create Vision
                    1. Reflecting
                        1. Consensus
                          1. Priorities
                          2. Engagement
                            1. Stakeholders
                              1. Senior Management
                                1. Sponsors
                                2. Roadmap
                                  1. Who
                                    1. How
                                      1. What
                                        1. When
                                      2. Impact
                                        1. Assessment
                                          1. People
                                            1. Organisation
                                              1. Systems
                                                1. Processes
                                                2. Risks
                                                  1. Identify
                                                    1. Quantify
                                                      1. Qualify
                                                      2. Minimise
                                                        1. Prevent
                                                          1. Reduce effects
                                                        2. Communication
                                                          1. Planned
                                                            1. Timely
                                                              1. Consistent
                                                              2. Effective
                                                                1. Facilitate
                                                                  1. Change
                                                                    1. Engagement
                                                                    2. Build
                                                                      1. Awareness
                                                                        1. Consensus
                                                                      2. Targeted
                                                                        1. Audiences
                                                                          1. Needs
                                                                            1. Purpose
                                                                          2. Readiness
                                                                            1. Culture
                                                                              1. Surveys
                                                                                1. Historical
                                                                                  1. Inteviews
                                                                                    1. Workshops
                                                                                    2. Organisation
                                                                                      1. Resources
                                                                                        1. Skills
                                                                                          1. Leadership
                                                                                          2. Resistance
                                                                                            1. Have a plan
                                                                                              1. Concerns
                                                                                                1. No readiness
                                                                                                  1. Only human
                                                                                                    1. Lack of support
                                                                                                      1. Poor sponsorship
                                                                                                    2. Support & Sustain
                                                                                                      1. Analysis
                                                                                                        1. Output
                                                                                                          1. Performance
                                                                                                            1. Benefits
                                                                                                            2. Line Management
                                                                                                              1. Supporting
                                                                                                                1. Mentoring
                                                                                                                  1. Empowering
                                                                                                                  2. Training & Coaching
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