Herramientas Project Management


Mapa mental Herramientas Project management
Mind Map by tas_luz, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by tas_luz almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Herramientas Project Management
  1. Libres (free)
    1. Zoho project
      1. Team work projects
        1. Wrike
          1. Microsoft one note
            1. Google drive
            2. Mixtas (free + pago)
              1. Trello
                1. 2 Plan Project
                  1. Asana
                    1. Gantt project
                      1. Produc teev
                        1. Bam Bam
                          1. Base camp
                            1. Freed camp
                              1. Active Collab
                                1. Meister Task
                                  1. Jira
                                    1. Podio
                                      1. Liquid planner
                                        1. Work front
                                          1. Comind ware project
                                            1. Proofhub
                                              1. Funciones
                                                1. Planear, asignar tareas
                                                  1. Permite comunicación
                                                    1. Da seguimiento y actualiza
                                                      1. Genera reportes, retroalimenta
                                                      2. Herramientas asociadas
                                                        1. Dropbox
                                                          1. Google drive
                                                            1. Microsoft office (Excel)
                                                              1. Skydrive
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