Main features of Spartan religion


Mind Map on Main features of Spartan religion, created by PetrinaluvsJaySean on 30/04/2013.
Mind Map by PetrinaluvsJaySean, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by PetrinaluvsJaySean over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Main features of Spartan religion
  1. Gods and goddesses
    1. Spartans believed that their lives were controlled by 12 gods and goddesses who lived on Mount Olympus
      1. Zeus, the chief god, was worshipped asthe divine founder of Sparta
        1. Poseidon, the god of sea and earthquakes, was also worshipped at several sanctuaries in Laconia, he was known Pohoidan,
          1. Apollo, the god of light, music, truth and health, had a temple at Delphi where he was believed to given messages that made decisions of Greek world.
            1. Artemis, the goddess of hunting, the moon and protector of women who were to be married or who were childbirth
          2. Places of worship
            1. Sparta's religious sites were located on tthe outskirts of town
              1. The Temple of Artemis Orthia (located out of sight near the Eurotas River).
                1. The Temple of Athena of the Bronze House (stood in the north eastern part of the acropolis).
                  1. The Menelaion (situated in the Parnon ranges looking across the Eurotas River).
                    1. The Temple of Apollo at Amyclae (located six kilometres from Sparta)
                  2. Festivals
                    1. Apollo Carneia (Karneia)
                      1. The Gymnopaedia
                        1. Artemis Orthia
                          1. The Hyakinthia
                            1. The Promacheia
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