

Junior Certificate History Mind Map on Aztecs, created by Shane Buckley on 02/05/2013.
Shane Buckley
Mind Map by Shane Buckley, updated more than 1 year ago
Shane Buckley
Created by Shane Buckley over 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Mexico
    1. Lake Texcoco
      1. 700 years
        1. Modern Mexico City
          1. Land of Prickly Pear Cactus
        2. Soldiers
          1. 17 years
            1. Macahuitl
              1. Telpochali
                1. pricked with cactus
              2. Human Sacrifice
                1. Gods and Godesses
                  1. Sun dies needs blood to rise
                  2. chinampas: Floating Gardens
                    1. Food and Farming
                      1. maize
                        1. Fruits
                          1. Vegetables
                            1. Maguey cactus
                              1. Fibres
                                1. Sap
                                  1. Dried leaves
                                    1. Spine
                                2. Hernan Cortes-Conquistador
                                  1. 1519:invasion
                                    1. Coinquered 1521
                                      1. Diseases
                                        1. Measles, Small pox, whooping cough, maleria, yellow fever
                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


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