The Circulatory System


A revision tool for P.E, hope it helps! :)
Josh Horn
Mind Map by Josh Horn, updated more than 1 year ago
Josh Horn
Created by Josh Horn almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

The Circulatory System
  1. Effects of training on the circulatory system
    1. Increased SV
      1. Lower H/R for any task
        1. Cardiac hypertrophy (strengthening of the heart)
          1. Bradycardia
            1. Increased levels of plasma
              1. Lower viscoctiy
              2. Greater oxygen extraction from blood
                1. Increased Atrio/Ventrical blood difference
              3. Components of the ciculatory system
                1. Blood
                  1. Contents: White blood cells, Red blood cellls, platelets
                    1. White blood cells
                      1. Fight infection and disease
                      2. Platelets
                        1. Cause clotting
                        2. Red blood cells
                          1. Carry oxygen
                      3. Heart
                        1. Cardiac output (Q)= Stroke voulme (SV)*Heart rate (BPM)
                        2. Blood vessels
                          1. Veins
                            1. Take blood back to the heart
                              1. Carry de-oxygenated bllood
                                1. Pulmonary vein is only vein that carries oxygenated blood (from the lungs)
                              2. Veins contain valves to stop blod flowing backwards
                              3. Arteries
                                1. Take blood away from the heart
                                  1. Carries oxygenated blood
                                    1. Pulmonary artery is only artery that carries oxygenated blood (to the lungs)
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