Communicative Competences


Mind map about the issues in the learning and teaching of grammar. Prof. María Eugenia Piastrellini.
Mind Map by Analia, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Analia over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Communicative Competences
  1. It was developed by Halliday and Hymes where they emphasized the ability not just to produce correct senteces but to know when, where and with whom to use them.
    1. Grammatical Competence
      1. For Hymes it was part of COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE. Furthermore, Canale and Swain included grammatical competence as one of the four types of competences they considered should be included in any definition of proficiency.
        1. Grammar Teaching
          1. Explicit GRAMMAR KNOWLEDGE can be converted through practice that is necessary for a speaker to be able to produce an appropiate structure.Ellis also arguments that EXPLICIT GRAMMAR instructions can help learners acquire IMPLICIT KNOWLEDGE
            1. Methodological Options
              1. Learners are too varied in their reasons for wanting to lear, motivation, maturity, etc. One methodological option that can be developed is INPUT which refers to the samples of language to which learners are exposed and from which they are expected to learn the ways of meaning of the target language
                1. Why is PRACTICE important?
                  1. It is essential because it refers to the learners´use of specific grammatical features in PRODUCTION. It also involves a great deal of repetition of grammatical features combined with feedback. PRACTICE activities should be MEANINGFUL and exploit a range of COMMUNICATIVE ACTIVITIES.
                    1. What can we do to prepare a successful grammar class?
                      1. ° Reflecting authentic language and showing how grammar is a resource for making and exchanging MEANINGS IN CONTEXT.
                        1. ° Integrating grammar into the teaching of the four macro skills.
                          1. °Teaching grammar through engaging learners in MEANINGFUL AND MOTIVATING ACTIVITIES.
      2. Grammar, Meaning and Communication
        1. Halliday´s words mention LANGUAGE as "MEANING POTENTIAL". Whithin this perspective, grammar is seen as NETWORK OF INTERRELATED SYSTEMS.
          1. In a SECOND LANGUAGE, learning to communicate involves gaining progressive control over the systems in the language.
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