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History of Medicine: Middle Ages Plague
A mind map covering the Black Death (1348-9) and the Great Plague (1665) which feature in the GCSE History of Medicine Paper. Also now covers information on the two eras in which they take place.
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gcse history
gcse history of medicine
Mind Map by
James McConnell
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
James McConnell
almost 11 years ago
Resource summary
History of Medicine: Middle Ages Plague
Black Death
The Middle Ages
Who treated the sick?
Wise Women
Travelling Quack
Housewife Physician
What did they do?
Basic surgery, but there is still no anaesthetic
Ancient theories still widely believed
The 4 Humors
Theory of Opposites
Some knowledge of working remedies
Treatments passed down by word of mouth
Or family traditions
Some conned the ill out of money by not curing them at all
What were hospitals like?
Religious buildings
Only poor people and elderly went there
The rich were treated in their own home by a physician
Patients expected to pray for recovery
Nuns treat people
Dead people prepared for burial in view of other patients
Some were not allowed in
Pregnant women
Attempts to Combat and Cure
Herbal Remedies
Praying to God
Flaggelants whipped themselves and gave up possessions
Lavender masks
Galen's theory of opposites
Suspected Cause
Imbalance of Humors
Religious Reasons
Alignment of the planets
Invisible fumes, miasma
Contact with the infected
The plague took out nearly half of the UK Population
Lavender Masks did prevent some spread of disease
Occasional herbal remedies worked
Flaggelants were less likely to catch plague due to isolation
The Great Plague
Who treated the sick?
Trained and licensed healers started working in new hospitals
What were hospitals like?
Local authorities started taking over hospitals
Many new ones opened
Trained physicians, surgeons, and nursing sisters worked in them
No longer ran by nuns
Kept clean by volunteer helpers
Most patients still poor and elderly
What did they do?
Patients were kept clean, warm and fed
New understanding of treatment
New understanding of anatomy from Vesalius
New understanding of blood from Harvey
Technology such as ligatures from Pare
Suspected Cause
Cats and Dogs, they were slaughtered
Bad air (miasma)
Much of the same as the Black Death
Comet seen the year before over London
Attempts to Combat and Cure
'Searchers' employed to find the infected
Infected people were locked in their houses
A red cross painted on the door
Their whole family would be locked in with them
To avoid spread of plague
'Watchmen' employed to stop people escaping their homes
Pubs closed to stop it spreading
Vagrants were moved on from the streets
Fires were started to stop bad air
Anything to stop contact with others would have helped to reduce death
Pub closures and locking people in houses
Occasional herbal remedy may have worked
Less people died than during Black Plague
An estimated 15% of Londoners
100,000 people
People argued less would have died if only the infected had been locked up, not their whole family
However it took 5 days for symptoms to be visible so it was a reasonable precaution
What was the Plague?
Suspected to be Bubonic Plague
Buboes on the neck and in armits and groin area
Leaks pus and blood
Symptoms occurred 5 days after lice bite
Death after 6 days
What Actually Caused It?
Rats carrying gut infected lice
Probably travelled to the UK on trade ships
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