Unit 1 The Online World Revision Mindmap


Mind Map on Unit 1 The Online World Revision Mindmap, created by 10longtonc on 25/04/2014.
Mind Map by 10longtonc, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 10longtonc almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Unit 1 The Online World Revision Mindmap
  1. Learning Aim A Online Services and Communication
    1. Ubiqitous Computing
      1. RFID
      2. Online Services
        1. Real Time
          1. Communication
            1. Govermental
              1. Entertainment
                1. Eduacational
                2. Cloud Computing
                  1. Online Storage
                  2. Online Advertising
                    1. Benefits and Drawbacks
                      1. Pay Per Click and Affiliates
                        1. Banners
                          1. Email Marketing
                          2. Online Documents
                            1. Compressing Files
                              1. How It Works
                                1. Benefits and Drawbacks
                              2. Learning Aim B Components of the Internet
                                1. The Internet
                                  1. Email
                                    1. Benefits and Drawbacks
                                      1. Adress Book, CC, BCC, etc
                                      2. Internet Connection Methods
                                        1. Wireless
                                          1. Broadband
                                            1. Bandwidth and Transmission Rate
                                            2. Dial Up
                                            3. Internet Infrastructure
                                              1. Server
                                                1. Client
                                                  1. Router
                                                    1. Internet Key Terms
                                                    2. World Wide Web
                                                      1. HTML
                                                        1. ISP
                                                          1. Serch Engines
                                                            1. URL's
                                                          2. Data Storage
                                                            1. Online Database
                                                              1. DBMS
                                                                1. Database Storage
                                                                  1. Relationships
                                                                    1. Data Types
                                                                    2. Data Exchange
                                                                      1. VOIP
                                                                        1. Transmission Methods
                                                                          1. Transmission Modes
                                                                        2. Learning Aim C Issues with Operating Online
                                                                          1. Type of threats to data
                                                                            1. Viruses
                                                                              1. Accidental Damage
                                                                                1. Oppertunist Threats
                                                                                  1. Malware
                                                                                    1. Phishing
                                                                                    2. The Importance the Security
                                                                                      1. Personal Safety
                                                                                        1. Identity Theft
                                                                                        2. Preventative and Remedial Actions
                                                                                          1. Password Control
                                                                                            1. Physical Barriers
                                                                                              1. Access Levels
                                                                                                1. Anti Virus Software
                                                                                                  1. Firewalls
                                                                                                    1. Encryption
                                                                                                      1. Back Up and Recovery
                                                                                                    Show full summary Hide full summary


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