

Mind Map on Vegetables, created by rachelroo2012 on 06/05/2014.
Mind Map by rachelroo2012, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by rachelroo2012 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Types
    1. Green leafy vegetables
      1. cabbage
      2. roots
        1. beetroot
        2. bulbs
          1. onions
          2. tubers
            1. potatoes
            2. Fruit
              1. tomatoes
              2. flowers
                1. broccoli
              3. Buying
                1. in season
                  1. fresh quality
                    1. by loose/ netted to prevent mould
                    2. Storing
                      1. cool, dry dark place
                        1. remove plastic packaging
                          1. use soon
                          2. Cooking
                            1. vitamin c and b are lost
                              1. more digestable
                                1. loss of colour, flavour and texture
                                  1. Methods
                                    1. boiling
                                      1. frying
                                        1. steaming
                                      2. Nutritive Value
                                        1. HBV protein
                                          1. Low in fat
                                            1. Sugar, Starch, Fibre
                                              1. Vitamins - betacarotene, B1, C
                                                1. Minerals - iron, calcium, potassium, iodine
                                                  1. Water 90%
                                                  2. Class
                                                    1. extra
                                                      1. excellent quality
                                                      2. 1
                                                        1. good quality - no brusing
                                                        2. 2
                                                          1. minor defects in size and colour - reasonable quality
                                                          2. 3
                                                            1. blemishes in shape and colour - marketable quality
                                                          3. Spoilage
                                                            1. enzyme phenolase
                                                              1. resulting in bruising and brown patches
                                                              2. 'open' structure wilt
                                                                1. slimy e.g lettuce
                                                                2. roots go limp and woody
                                                                3. Processing
                                                                  1. freezing
                                                                    1. carrots, peas, blackcurrants
                                                                      1. little change in nutritive value
                                                                      2. canning
                                                                        1. peas, beans, pears
                                                                          1. enzymes and micro-organisms inactivated
                                                                          2. drying
                                                                            1. peas, beans, grapes
                                                                              1. change in texture
                                                                            Show full summary Hide full summary


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