Listening Activity (Food Vocabulary)


In this activity, you will listen to two different audios. Listen and read along with the text and fill in the blanks with the right name of the food, fruit, or vegetable.
Rene Pacheco
Quiz by Rene Pacheco, updated more than 1 year ago
Rene Pacheco
Created by Rene Pacheco over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

DIRECTIONS: Play the listening audio. Listen and read along. Fill-in the blanks with the right name of the food mentioned. HOST: Good afternoon and welcome to today's edition of "Get Ready! Cook! And a big round of applause for today's contestants, Jack and Liz. Hello, Jack. So, do you like cooking? JACK: I love it. I cook dinner every evening at home. HOST: How about you Liz? LIZ: Yes, I'm the cook in my family, too. I cook every day of course, but what I really like is cooking for friends on the weekend. HOST: OK, so you know the rules. In the bag there are six ingredients, just six ingredients. You have an hour to make three dishes, an appetizer, a main course, and a dessert. Apart from the ingredients in the bag, you can also use basic ingredients like pasta, [blank_start]rice[blank_end], [blank_start]eggs[blank_end], sugar, salt, pepper, and so on. OK? Are you ready? Let's open the bag. And today's ingredients are a chicken, some [blank_start]carrots[blank_end], some onions, three [blank_start]oranges[blank_end], some cream [blank_start]cheese[blank_end], and some dark chocolate. OK, Jack and Liz, you have five minutes to decide what to make, and then it's Get Ready! Cook!
  • rice
  • eggs
  • carrots
  • oranges
  • cheese

Question 2

DIRECTIONS: Play the listening audio. Listen and read along. Fill-in the blanks with the right name of the food mentioned. HOST: Hello and welcome to the program. Our first guest today is nutritionist Miriam Shepherd. She's here to give us some advice about healthy eating. Miriam, what do we need to eat to be healthy? MIRIAM: Well, basically, we all need a balance diet. HOST: And what exactly is a balanced diet? MIRIAM: It's when you eat the right amount of food from each of the five different food groups. HOST: Can you tell us more about those groups, Miriam? MIRIAM: Yes, of course. Let's start with carbohydrates. These are things like [blank_start]bread[blank_end], pasta, rice, and [blank_start]potatoes[blank_end]. We need to eat a lot of carbohydrates because they give us energy. HOST: OK. What's next? MIRIAM: The next group is [blank_start]fruit[blank_end] and vegetables. Things like [blank_start]apples[blank_end] and oranges, and peas and carrots. These contain important vitamins, so you need to eat something from this group at every meal. HOST: OK. What's the third group? MIRIAM: The third group is protein, which is in food like [blank_start]meat[blank_end] and [blank_start]eggs[blank_end]. We need it to grow and to repair the body. You need to eat a lot of foods from this group, but not necessarily with every meal. HOST: Interesting. What's the next group, Miriam? MIRIAM: [blank_start]Milk[blank_end] and dairy. Dairy foods are things like cheese and yogurt. This group contains calcium, which is important for our bones and teeth. But you have to be a little careful because they sometimes contain a lot of fat. You need to eat something from this group every day, but not necessarily every meal. HOST: And which is the last group, Miriam? MIRIAM: The last group is fats and sugars. These are found in snacks, like cake, [blank_start]cookies[blank_end], candy, and chips. Fats and sugars aren't very good for you, so only eat a little food from this group—maybe once or twice a week. HOST: Thank you, Miriam. That was very helpful. MIRIAM: My pleasure.
  • bread
  • potatoes
  • fruit
  • apples
  • eggs
  • meat
  • Milk
  • cookies
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