Drugs In Sport


AS level Physical Education (PE) (Socio-Cultral Studies) Mind Map on Drugs In Sport, created by Nathan Wren on 16/05/2017.
Nathan Wren
Mind Map by Nathan Wren, updated more than 1 year ago
Nathan Wren
Created by Nathan Wren almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Drugs In Sport
  1. Reasons for Use
    1. Psychological Reasons
      1. Steady Nerves
        1. Increase Aggression
          1. Increase Motivation
          2. Physiological Reasons
            1. Mask Injury
              1. Increase Energy
                1. Build Muscle
                2. Social
                  1. Pressure to win from coaches, peers & media
                    1. Fear of not winning
                      1. Belief everyone else is doing it!
                    2. Consequences
                      1. Stricter, more rigorous out of season testing
                        1. More severe punishment
                          1. Role models to reinforce their 'no drugs' position
                            1. Education programmes for athletes & coaches to highlight issues
                            2. Possible Solutions
                              1. Morality
                                1. Unfair Advantage
                                  1. Undermines true spirit of sport
                                    1. Reflects badly on others
                                    2. Health/Well-being
                                      1. Addictive
                                        1. Lower life expectancy
                                          1. Liver/Heart diseases
                                          2. Role Modelling
                                            1. Gives a bad example to others, especially young people, who may copy.
                                              1. Gives a bad image to sport and lowers its status
                                              2. Legality
                                                1. Against the laws of the land
                                                  1. Against the laws of sport
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