Biscuit methods


gcse recipes Mind Map on Biscuit methods, created by jane stainer on 15/05/2013.
jane stainer
Mind Map by jane stainer, updated more than 1 year ago
jane stainer
Created by jane stainer over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Biscuit methods
  1. Melting method
    1. This method involves the fat being melted and then the dry ingredients added.
      1. examples are gingerbread shapes/ ginger nuts, flapjacks, brandy snaps
        1. These biscuits have a longer shelf life and the flavour develops during keeping
    2. Rubbing in method
      1. With this method the fat is rubbed into the flour. The fat has a shortening effect like in pastry. The fat coats the flour particles and this prevents the absorption of water , giving a waterproof coating.
        1. shortbread, scones
      2. Creaming method
        1. In this method the fat and sugar are creamed together
          1. Viennese fingers
            1. These biscuits have a longer shelf life due to the ratio of fat.
        2. Whisking method
          1. This method usually begins with the eggs and sugar being whisked together then the dry ingredients being folded in
            1. Fortune cookies Tulles and Langue de Chat
              1. This usually results in a delicate crispy wafer like biscuit
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