

First Year SBC CO205 Life Coaching Note on Nov.14th-2013, created by heinrichs.mark on 14/11/2013.
Note by heinrichs.mark, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by heinrichs.mark almost 11 years ago

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INTEGRITY: WALKING THE TALKMW Definition: Being honest or fair, firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic valuesMenendez Text Definition: - Taking actions aligned with your vision and values- The first chapter in the book of wisdom- when what you do, who you are, what you say, what you feel, and what you think all come from the same place (Griffith-Haney)- Taking responsibility for the whole- All of our choices either speak to or against our integrity- Small - or mundane -actions are just as important as the "big ones" because they "create the foundation for something big to happen" (p.234)- Every action that's inconsistent with our ccision/goal will steer us off track- Living your values in relationships with co-workers, customers, etc.- Honesty and trust are crucial components- People with integrity draw others to themselves because they prove themselves as trustworthyWhy Is Integrity Difficult Sometimes?FOSTERING INTEGRITYFrom D.M. Ruiz- Be impeccable with your word- Don't take anything personally- Don't make assumptions- Always do your best...and remember that your "best" will change from time to timeROTARY INTERNATIONALS TEST OF THINGS WE SAY & DO4 Questions to ask yourself before making a decision-is it the truth-is it fair to all concerned-will it build good will and better friendships-will it be beneficial to all concernedINTEGRITY-GETTING COMPLETEA kind of closure-with the past-with people-with projects-with home-with work4 OPTIONS FOR INCOMPLETIONS- Plan, use timetables, due dates, and delegate when necessary- Release and withdraw-if we absolutely cannot meet our commitment, must be done with integrity too- Just do it- Create and implement workable system so incompletions don't happen again

PLAY FULL OUT!- We create  the kind of life we want- Connects with integrity through taking ownership and responsibility for our actions and lives-----Negative example: T.O. Mayor Rob Ford-----Positive Example: Billy GrahamCHOICES- Not making a choice is choosing by default- Avoiding decisions are not the same as choosing consciously- Examine choices fully- Be deliberate and choose intentionally- Be responsive - not reactive - to what is going on.......the only real control we have in life is in  our choice of how we react and respond to life (React: an action based on emotion, Response: an action based on thoughts and information)BOUNDARIES- Fundamental for keeping us emotionally, psychologically, and even physically safe- Borders created by the limits we set with ourselves and others regarding-time-time management-relationships-activities-responsibilities- limits that we set define our "safety zones"- boundaries define who we are and how we live; who we are not and how we will not liveENFORCING BOUNDARIES- Sometimes difficult- Many have a hard time saying "no" to things- We will never be able to please everyone- Sometimes saying "no" is doing what's best for the person asking- Every time we say YES to someone or something, we are saying NO to someone or something else...and often we end up saying NO to the people that we least want to hurt or leave feeling left out.- Be clear about your limits (to others and yourself)- Make choices intentionally- Attract like-minded people by setting firm boundaries- Say what you mean - let your "yes" be a yes, and your "no" by a no- Don't be afraid to "lose" a relationship that's not healthyLIVING FULLY- Requires-good boundaries-high standards-living with integrity

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