38, 39.


You're in a state of flow where you forget everything else and focussed. How cultures from different regions affects perceptions.
Ranary Mey
Note by Ranary Mey, updated more than 1 year ago
Ranary Mey
Created by Ranary Mey almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

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38. People Can Be In A Flowstate You have very focused attention on your task. You’re working with a specific, clear, and achievable goal in mind. You receive constant feedback. You have control over your actions. Time changes. The self does not feel threatened. The flow state is personal. The flow state crosses cultures. The flow state is pleasurable. The prefrontal cortex and basal ganglia are both involved. TakeawaysIf you’re trying to design for, or induce, a flow state (for example, you are a game designer): Give people control over their actions during the activity. Break up the difficulty into stages. People need to feel that the current goal is challenging, yet achievable. Give constant feedback. Minimize distractions.

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39. Culture Affects How People Think People from different geographical regions and cultures respond differently to photos and Web site designs. In East Asia people notice and remember the background and context more than people in the West do. If you are designing products for multiple cultures and geographical regions, then you had better conduct audience research in multiple locations. When reading psychology research, you might want to avoid generalizing the results if you know that the study participants were all from one geographical region. Be careful of overgeneralizing.

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36. Time Is Relative
Ranary Mey
29. Minds Wander 30 Percent of the Time
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27. People Process Information Better in Bite-Sized Chunks
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30. The More Uncertain People Are, The More They Defend Their Ideas
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Chapter 4 Quiz: HOW PEOPLE THINK
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28. Some Types of Mental Processing Are More Challenging Than Others
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31. People Create Mental Models
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32. People Interact With Conceptual Models
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33. People Process Information Best InStory Form
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34. People Learn Best From Examples
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35. People Are Driven To Create Categories
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