Definition of OD and MC


Postgraduate MOC exam Apunte sobre Definition of OD and MC, creado por chloe.fressynet el 02/05/2013.
Apunte por chloe.fressynet, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por chloe.fressynet hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

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What is change Management?  Where does it come from?  Adaptation (to the market, system...) Organisation as an organism Strategy is more about adapting (external adaptation) Balance between internal/external environment Definition of management: Is it controlling (extreme organisationnal management)? Is it capabilities (leader, inspire people...)? Is change smthg we are in charged of? Is it coming by itself? Change comes from external factors: not in control!

Definition of Organisation Development:  Value organisation Most people don't accept change Most sophisticated part of CM Ethics = values  Ethical pb included in the change process Building trust -> if no trust -> no OD!! what is OD? Change agent of OD = coach => want the system the get to the point in a participative mannerPM? Director! Intended goals & power

Planned Change = ODStrategy:  need to map the territory Expertise in PM (PM: bureaucracy => not a natural phenomena) Empirical - Rational strat.: work with evidences, very structured & dodgy, individuals rationals => accept change if in their best interest Power Coercive: power = essence of change - empowerment of the top. Legitimate (law, rules) or coercive power. OD more about egalitarism & building trust Normative - Reeducative strat.: analyse & compare bureaucratic / organic form.  Views/attitudes will lead change - change can  be forced or complied (need energy, involvement, communication) - successful changes = change in attitude, values, skills and knowledge  

Theory of Change  Psychodynamic theories (internal) Technical Theories Social Theories (coercive change, interactional change, socialization change, natural change, planned change) Planned change = OD => Richard Beckhard (1969)

Strategy of Change: Theory E vs Theory O Theory E: economical, theocratic theory, cost analysis/benefits => economic sense => still dominant today (TOP DOWN management) Theory O: learning, organisation, socialism Need to mix them => paradox!! Bring OD back on the agenca -> impact on PM

Images of Change Managers and Managing Change Controlling (top down management, planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating, controlling => Fayol's theory) Shaping (participative management, improving capabilities) Outcomes: Intended change (result of a planned action) Partially intended change (may need to be re-modified) Unintented change (forces beyond the control of the change manager)

2 Extremes: Controlling and Shaping Director / Coach (not expertise - takes the best from people) Navigator (politician, animal, processual) / Interpreter (dialogue, sense making process, pro active) Caretaker (seat back, lifecycle approach, env. decides, invisible hand, determinism) / Nurturer ( encourage self org°, not in charge, decentralize change, change completely unpredictable) Politics: determine what will happen or not

Scale of Change: Incremental: involve people (opposite of bureaucracy, manage and organize differently)                            high level of dependency tot the OD consultant, OD problematical from a business model pov? Transformational: change everything (system, structure strategy..), change the way an org° functions (1990s)

Proactive vs. Reactive => small changes are useless=> butterfly effect

Characteristics of Planned Change  OD = one part of planned change => know where you want to go Not improvisation even though most change in org° is based on an improvisional basis => dominant view of change with sense making! Planned change = emergent change explicit decision to engage in a programme of pb solving and improvement change able to apply to a variety of human client involves external professional guidance involves collaboration and power sharing bet. change agents and client system utilization of valid knowledge or to implement change OD/PM = Planned changeOD = highly involvedPM = not involvedGeneral Model of Planned change : involvement otherwise no trust. Need feedback loopEntering and contracting (Unfreezing) => Diagnosing (movement) => Planning and Implementing Change (refreezing) => Evaluating and Institunionalizing Change Emergent alternative:freeze => rebalance => unfreeze

Kurt Lewin Social scientist - huge concern about bureaucracy Social Change - need for democracy and involvement - humanitarian approach - resolving social conflict = key to improvement Field Theory: How does the social syst. look like? Life space of an individual Group Dynamics: central to change management dvptGood theory: should come from good practice and vice versaAction Research: no change without action, no action without research (spiral steps), learning processesLewin's Change model:Unfreezing (social syst., team) => Movement (make the change, re-find the natural equilibrium)  => RefreezingChange is not static: increase the driving forces = increase the resistance to changeHow to reduce the resistance forces? OD !!!-> Increase the driving forces-> Decrease the resisting forces-> Both=> create movement and find a new equilibrium system=> no rational and empirical approach to change => use data !OD = incremental and slow (takes time to people)

5 Stages of OD: Anticipate Need for Change Develop the Practitioner - Client relationship Diagnostic Phase Action Plans, Strategies and techniques Self-Renewal, Monitor and Stabilize

Critiques of Planned ChangeConceptualisation of planned change -> change not linear-> change not rational-> relationship between change and performance unclearPractice of Planned Change-> Limited consulting skills and focus-> Quick fixes vs. development approaches

Definitions of ODBurke's:OD is a planned process of change in an organisation's culture through the utilisation of behavioural science, research and theory. BPR -> technical approach -> toolFrench's:effort to improve an organisation's problem-solving capabilities and its ability to cope with changes (external environment)Beckhard'sOD is an effort planned, organisation-wide, and management from the top, to increase organisation effectiveness and health through planned interventions in the org°'s processes, using behavioural knowledgeOD is a systemwide application and transfer of behavioral science knowledge to the planned development, improvement and reinforcement of the strategies, structures, and processes that lead to org° effectiveness. 

OD assumptions and core values People as individuals People in groups People in organisational systems => personal growth, feelings and sentiments legitimate part of the org°, action AND research, equalisation/democratisation, visible values and beliefs = trust

Change management


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