Link Definition to Term - General Pathology


Pathology Test sobre Link Definition to Term - General Pathology , creado por Hannah-Marie Rhodes el 15/02/2020.
Hannah-Marie Rhodes
Test por Hannah-Marie Rhodes, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Hannah-Marie Rhodes
Creado por Hannah-Marie Rhodes hace más de 4 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta 1

Dissappearance of life from the entire individual - [blank_start]Somatic Death[blank_end] Local death of tissue or cells within a living individual - [blank_start]Necrosis[blank_end] Breakdown of cells and tissues caused by enzymes from within the body - [blank_start]Autolysis[blank_end] Brekadown of cells and tissues by bacteria from the surrounding envrio or from within the body itselt - [blank_start]Putrfaction[blank_end] Dysfunction of the Na+ K+ pump, causing a build up of Na+ in the cell resulting in swelling - [blank_start]Cellular Degeneration[blank_end] Lack of Oxygen - [blank_start]Hypoxia[blank_end] Enzymes released form dying cells found in high quantities in serum - [blank_start]Systemic reactions[blank_end] Necrotic tissue initiates a milk local inflammatory reaction - [blank_start]Local reactions[blank_end] Break down of tissue into liquid - [blank_start]Liquefaction[blank_end] Breakdown of tissue into liquid with pus formation - [blank_start]Suppuration[blank_end] Pus confined within a tissue - [blank_start]Abscess[blank_end] Encapsulation of necrotic tissue surrounded by a fibrous capsule - [blank_start]Sequestration[blank_end] Patirl thickness of epithelium lost - [blank_start]Erosion[blank_end] Full thickness of epithelium lost with exposure of underlying connective tissue - [blank_start]Ulceration[blank_end] Breakdown of organic matter by microorgaisms - [blank_start]Putrefaction[blank_end]
  • Putrefaction
  • Ulceration
  • Erosion
  • Sequestration
  • Abscess
  • Suppuration
  • Liquefaction
  • Local reactions
  • Systemic reactions
  • Hypoxia
  • Cellular Degeneration
  • Putrfaction
  • Autolysis
  • Necrosis
  • Somatic Death

Pregunta 2

An organ or tissue reaches normal size then shrinks - [blank_start]Atropy[blank_end] Increase in the size of a tissue or organ due to an increase in the size of the individual cells - [blank_start]Hypertrophy[blank_end] Incomplete growth of an organ or tissue - [blank_start]Hypoplasia[blank_end] Abscence of a tissue - [blank_start]Aplasia[blank_end] Absence or closeure of a luminal structure - [blank_start]Atresia[blank_end] Increase in the number of cells in a tissue or organ - [blank_start]Hyperplasia[blank_end] Abnormal architecture of a tissue or ogran - [blank_start]Dysplasia[blank_end] Change from one cell type to a different but related cell type - [blank_start]Metaplasia[blank_end]
  • Atropy
  • Hypertrophy
  • Hypoplasia
  • Aplasia
  • Atresia
  • Hyperplasia
  • Dysplasia
  • Metaplasia

Pregunta 3

Inadequate blood supply of a tissue relative to its needs - [blank_start]Ischaemia[blank_end] Localised area of necrosis caused by ischaemia - [blank_start]Infarction[blank_end] Healing of an infarct - [blank_start]Fibrosis[blank_end] Blood clot that forms from within the blood stream from normal constituents of blood - [blank_start]Thrombus[blank_end] Formation of an innappropriate thrombus in the wall of a blood or lymphatic vessel - [blank_start]Thrombosis[blank_end] Abnormal mass circulating in the blood stream - [blank_start]Embolous[blank_end] Arrest of a circulating mass within a vessel - [blank_start]Embolism[blank_end] Small momentart spurting of blood occurng between enothelial cells of otherwise normal capillaries - [blank_start]Diapedesis[blank_end] Local acccumulation of blood, usually clotted - [blank_start]Haematoma[blank_end] Very small haemorrhagic spots - [blank_start]Petechiae[blank_end] Slightly larger foci of haemorrhages - [blank_start]Ecchymoses[blank_end] Subcutaneous haemorrhage - [blank_start]Brusing[blank_end] Excessive accumularion of tissue fluid - [blank_start]Oedema[blank_end] Generalised subcutaneous oedema - [blank_start]Ansarca[blank_end] Fluid in abdomen - [blank_start]Ascites[blank_end] Fluid in pericardial sac - [blank_start]Hydropericardium[blank_end] Fluid in pleural cavity - [blank_start]Hydrothorax[blank_end]
  • Ischaemia
  • Infarction
  • Fibrosis
  • Thrombus
  • Thrombosis
  • Embolous
  • Embolism
  • Diapedesis
  • Haematoma
  • Petechiae
  • Ecchymoses
  • Brusing
  • Oedema
  • Ansarca
  • Ascites
  • Hydropericardium
  • Hydrothorax

Pregunta 4

Five classical signs of Inflammation - [blank_start]Heat[blank_end], [blank_start]Redness[blank_end], [blank_start]Swelling[blank_end], [blank_start]Pain[blank_end], [blank_start]Loss of Function[blank_end] Watery fluid, low in protein - [blank_start]Serous exudate[blank_end] High in Fibrinogen, neutrophils present - [blank_start]Fibrinous exudate[blank_end] Lots of mucus as a result of inflamed MM - [blank_start]Catarrhal Inflammation[blank_end] Pus - [blank_start]Suppurative/Purulent Inflammation[blank_end] Substance that promotes production of antibodies or inlcudes an immune response - [blank_start]Antigen[blank_end] Proteins manufactured in response to foreign material or antigenic stimulation - [blank_start]Antibody[blank_end]
  • Heat
  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Pain
  • Loss of Function
  • Serous exudate
  • Fibrinous exudate
  • Catarrhal Inflammation
  • Suppurative/Purulent Inflammation
  • Antigen
  • Antibody

Pregunta 5

New groeth in which the cells are unresponsive to normal growth controls - [blank_start]Neoplasm[blank_end] Process of developing a neoplasm - [blank_start]Neoplasia[blank_end] Study of neoplasia - [blank_start]Oncology[blank_end] Benign epithelial tumour - [blank_start]oma[blank_end] Malignant epithelial tumour - [blank_start]carinoma[blank_end] Benign mesenchymal tumour - [blank_start]-oma[blank_end] Malignant mesenchymal tumour - [blank_start]sarcoma[blank_end] Neoplasma of haematoporetic cells in whcih there is an increase in malignant cells circulating in the blood stream - [blank_start]Leukaemia[blank_end]
  • Neoplasm
  • Neoplasia
  • Oncology
  • oma
  • carinoma
  • -oma
  • sarcoma
  • Leukaemia
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