FPC Chapter 1 Quiz


APA Fundamentals of Payroll Certification Exam Chapter 1 Review
Michaela Trimmer
Test por Michaela Trimmer, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Michaela Trimmer
Creado por Michaela Trimmer hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta 1

Paryoll's chief product -- the payrcheck or the pay statement -- must be:
  • Accurate
  • Timely
  • Both accurate and timely
  • none of the above

Pregunta 2

What taxes, if any, must be withheld from an employee's pay?
  • Federal income, social security, and Medicare
  • Federal income only
  • Social security and Medicare only
  • no taxes are withheld

Pregunta 3

What taxes, if any, must be withheld from an independent contractor's pay who provides a TIN?
  • Federal income, social security, and Medicare
  • Federal income only
  • Social security and Medicare only
  • No taxes are withheld

Pregunta 4

Who has the responsibility to determine if the worker is an employee or an independent contractor?
  • Employer
  • Social Security Administration
  • Worker
  • Internal Revenue Service

Pregunta 5

Prior to beginning work for a company, a chemical engineer signed a contract stating that she agreed to work as an independent contractor. She performs all her duties in the company's laboratories, where she has full access to the company's testing equipment. She works under their direction and maintains regular office hours. What is her status?
  • Independent contractor under common law
  • Independent contractor under the reasonable basis test
  • Employee

Pregunta 6

A retired safety inspector for the company was rehired as a consultant when the company expanded its plant operations. The retired employee was a natural choice. The tasks he undertook as a consultant were the same as the ones he performed before retirement. Paid monthly, he has agreed to work under the direction of his old boss until the new plant facilities are fully operational. What is his status?
  • Independent contractor under common law
  • Independent contractor under reasonable basis test
  • Employee

Pregunta 7

A receptionist has agreed to work afternoons at the company until they can find a full-time replacement. What is the receptionist's status?
  • Independent contractor under common law
  • Independent contractor under reasonable basis test
  • Employee

Pregunta 8

Which of the following workers is an independent contractor?
  • A temporary receptionist from an agency
  • A lawyer hired on a project-by-project basis, with the company providing secretarial service and office space for the lawyer
  • A lecturer who is paid a percentage of the money collected at fund raisers when he speaks on behalf of a nonprofit clinic
  • An outside salesperson who is paid by commission but guaranteed a minimum salary

Pregunta 9

What are exempt employees exempt from?
  • Minimum wage only
  • Overtime pay only
  • Minimum wage and overtime pay
  • Pay for time off

Pregunta 10

All of the following types of employees are classified as exempt from the FLSA's minimum wage and overtime requirements except:
  • Professional
  • Outside salesperson
  • Administrative
  • Computer repairman

Pregunta 11

A waitress is paid $2.25 per hour, and she received $225.00 in tips during the week. She works 40 hours per week. Which of the following is true?
  • Her employer is allowed to reduce her cash wage to no less than $2.13 per hour
  • Her base pay must be increased to $4.25 per hour after a 90-day training period
  • She must be paid $5.12 per hour by her employer
  • Her base salary must be raised to $3.00 per hour to comply with federal minimum wage requirements

Pregunta 12

What is the Federal minimum wage?
  • $6.00
  • $6.50
  • $7.25
  • $8.00

Pregunta 13

If a state sets the minimum wage at a rate greater than the federal minimum wage the state minimum wage must be paid to workers in that state.
  • True
  • False

Pregunta 14

A nonexempt employee works in a state with a minimum wage of $7.35 per hour, while living in a state with a minimum wage of $8.05. What is the minimum rate he must be paid?
  • $7.25 per hour
  • $7.35 per hour
  • $8.05 per hour
  • There is non minimum wage because the employee is exempt

Pregunta 15

Tips can be counted toward the employee's minimum wage.
  • True
  • False

Pregunta 16

An employee works 40 hours per week as a fry cook. During the week, she substitutes for one for one of the waitresses and reports $5.00 per week in tips. Can her employer pay her $2.13 per hour?
  • Yes
  • No

Pregunta 17

Employers who provide paid vacation leave must count the hours of paid time off when determining if the employee must receive an overtime premium when the total hours worked in a week exceed 40.
  • True
  • False

Pregunta 18

A nonexempt employee works the night shift (midnight to 8:00 a.m.) and works 45 hours during the week. Under the FLSA, what must his employer pay him?
  • Time and one-half for working Christmas
  • The federal minimum wage
  • Shift differential pay

Pregunta 19

The FLSA requires that time worked on Saturday be paid at overtime rates and time worked on Sunday be paid at double time rates.
  • True
  • False

Pregunta 20

If a state wage ad hour law requires that a nonexempt employee be paid an overtime premium when the employee works more than 8 hours in a day and the employee works the following schedule, how many overtime hours must the employee be paid? Sun: 5, Mon: 7, Tues: 6, Wed: 8, Thurs: 10, Fri: 8, Sat: 6
  • 0
  • 2
  • 10
  • 14

Pregunta 21

Last week a high school teacher spent 40 hours in the classroom, worked 10 hours grading papers and was required to put in another 8 hours on Saturday at the school-sponsored science fair. Under the FLSA, what overtime hours, if any, must the teacher be paid?
  • Time and one-half for 0 hours
  • Time and one-half for 8 hours
  • Time and one-half for 10 hours
  • Time and one-half for 18 hours

Pregunta 22

When must overtime be paid?
  • Each week
  • With the next payroll
  • As soon as practically possible

Pregunta 23

A nonexempt employee working at a hospital can work more than 40 hours in a week and not be paid overtime.
  • True
  • False

Pregunta 24

An employer pays semimonthly on the 15th and last day of each month. Their workweek is Sunday through Saturday. Memorial day is May 31. A nonexempt employee worked the following hours. How many hours of overtime, if any, did the employee work during this pay period?
  • 0 hours
  • 4 hours
  • 10 hours
  • 16 hours

Pregunta 25

During Thanksgiving week, a nonexempt employee was paid for the following hours. How many hours, if any, of overtime did the employee work?
  • 0 hours
  • 4 hours
  • 12 hours

Pregunta 26

All of the following types of compensation are included in calculating an employee's regular rate of pay for overtime purposes except:
  • Shift premiums of $50 for working the night shift
  • Production bonus of $15
  • 4 hours paid but not worked
  • 4% cost-of-living adjustment

Pregunta 27

What type of pay is included in the regular rate of pay calculation?
  • Discretionary bonuses
  • Paid sick leave
  • Paid vacation leave
  • Production bonuses

Pregunta 28

All of the following types of payments are included in the regular rate of pay calculation except:
  • A production bonus to be paid in June which the employer announced in January
  • An agreement with the union to pay one-half of one week's salary to workers with over five years of service
  • A traditional $50 gift certificate which the firm has paid for the past five years during the holiday season
  • Shift differential for working the 4 p.m. to midnight shift

Pregunta 29

An employee worked for 30 hours on his regular shift at $10.00 per hour and 16 hours on the late-night shift at $12.00 per hour. In addition, he earned a production bonus of $50.00. What is his total weekly compensation[blank_start]?[blank_end]
  • $577.34

Pregunta 30

All of the following are reasons payroll keeps records except:
  • Compliance with laws
  • Demonstrate accuracy of paychecks
  • Demonstrate security of payroll
  • Periodic reporting

Pregunta 31

An employer maintains the following information in their employee master file: Hire date Termination date Payment date Regular rate of pay Additions/Deductions from pay Frequency of payment Name two other records that must be kept in order to calculate overtime pay[blank_start]:[blank_end]
  • Hours worked/day/week, workweek, overtim

Pregunta 32

An employer maintains their employee master file in computer files. Which of the following statements is true?
  • Under federal law, they are required to keep a backup copy of these records
  • Employment records must be kept for seven years
  • There is no federal requirement to update the data monthly

Pregunta 33

All of the following types of records can be combined with payroll data in an integrated system except:
  • Personnel
  • Benefits
  • Purchasing
  • Human Resources

Pregunta 34

How long must you retain each of the following records in your files? -Proof of tax deposit[blank_start]s[blank_end] -Form I-[blank_start]9[blank_end] -Copies of your quarterly tax return[blank_start]s[blank_end] -Wage and hour record[blank_start]s[blank_end] -Employee time card[blank_start]s[blank_end] -Canceled check[blank_start]s[blank_end] -Name/address/occupation of each employe[blank_start]e[blank_end] -Work time schedule[blank_start]s[blank_end] -Form W-[blank_start]4[blank_end] -Total wages and tip[blank_start]s[blank_end] -Overtime informatio[blank_start]n[blank_end] -Log of inquiries on the jo[blank_start]b[blank_end]
  • 4 years
  • 3 years after hire or 1 year after term
  • 4 years
  • 3 years
  • 2 years
  • 4 years
  • FLSA/IRCA 3 years, IRS/FUTA/SSA 4 years
  • 2 years
  • 4 years after the last return was filed
  • 4 years
  • 3 years
  • 5 years (OSHA)

Pregunta 35

How long should employers keep payroll records beyond legal requirements?
  • 2 years
  • 3 years
  • 4 years
  • As long as the company needs the records

Pregunta 36

The amount of federal income tax that is withheld from an employee's regular wages is determined by a formula that uses all of the following items except:
  • Employee's taxable wages
  • Pay period
  • A flat rate
  • Marital status

Pregunta 37

When does an employee first complete Form W-4?
  • When first hired
  • When they need to have federal income tax withheld
  • When the employee is married
  • When the employee is divorced

Pregunta 38

When must an employee amend their Form W-4?
  • After receiving a pay increase
  • After receiving overtime pay
  • After becoming divorced
  • After their spouse quits working

Pregunta 39

Which of the following events would require an employee to fill our an amended Form W-4 within 10 days of its occurrence?
  • Employee becomes legally separated from his or her spouse who was claimed as an allowance
  • Employee's spouse quits job to stay home with a new baby
  • Death of spouse
  • Adoption of a child

Pregunta 40

An employee was recently married. The employer pays on the 15th and last day of the month. On June 10th, the employee submitted a revised Form W-4, changing his marital status and number of allowances from one to four. When must you change the amount of his withholding?
  • On his June 15th paycheck
  • On his June 30th paycheck
  • On his July 15th paycheck
  • On his July 31st paycheck

Pregunta 41

An employee is married with one child. His beginning salary is $1,000 semimonthly. Because of an unexpected business trip, the employee fails to submit Form W-4 by his first payday. What withholding status must the employer use for his first paycheck?
  • Single, no allowances
  • Single, 3 allowances
  • Married, no allowances
  • Married, 3 allowances

Pregunta 42

Under what conditions can an employee claim exemption from withholding on the Form W-4?
  • Receiving overtime pay
  • Had no tax liability last year and expects no tax liability this year
  • Anticipates receiving a bonus
  • An employee takes her first job

Pregunta 43

A full time student works a few hours each week as a receptionist. She is claimed as a dependent on her parents' tax return. Last year, she paid no income tax. This year, her anticipated total income is less than $500 and she expects to receive no unearned income. Which of the following statements is true?
  • She can claim to be exempt from withholding
  • Once she files an exempt Form W-4, it stays in effect until a new Form W-4 is submitted
  • She is not exempt because she is a dependent
  • She is not exempt because she has no unearned income

Pregunta 44

All employees must complete a new Form W-4 each year
  • True
  • False

Pregunta 45

The personnel of the payroll department must assist employees in determining their marital status and number of allowances for Form W-4.
  • True
  • False

Pregunta 46

An employee claims exempt from withholding on his Form W-4. To continue the exempt status for the next year, a new Form W-4:
  • must be filed by December 31st
  • must be filed by February 15th of the following year
  • is not necessary
  • is illegal unless the employee has more than 10 allowances
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