Ancient India


Freshman/November 2018
E.M. Flood
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E.M. Flood
Creado por E.M. Flood hace más de 5 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Where is the Indus River Valley today? ~ India ~ Pakistan ~ Nepal ~ Bangladesh
Describe the geography of the Indus River Valley It's a very interesting mix of highlands, desert, jungle, and oceans. All contribute to the rise of the cultures of the Indus Valley.
This region has a monsoon season. Describe a monsoon season. A seasonal prevailing wind in the region of South and Southeast Asia, between May & September bringing rain between October & April
_____ became widely used off of the Indus River. Irrigation
Crops grown near the Indus River included... Wheat, barley, peas, rice, cotton, & domesticated animals such as sheep, cattle, goats
List items that Indus cultures traded with others Cow, animal hides, melons, cucumbers, water buffalo
Indus cultures relied heavily on _____, and did so greatly with _____. trade; Mesopotamia
Trading with Mesopotamia led to the development of what? Carts, boats, irrigation, tools, easier travel, beads, copper items
List some characteristics of the Indus culture's ancient cities ~ 1st known sanitation system/separate rooms for bathing ~ Most city dwellers were traders/artisans ~ Cities often walled in like a fort ~ All homes had access to water ~ Most made of dried brick/ 1 story ~ Granaries located in middle of town
What are some differences between ancient India, Egypt, & Mesopotamia? ~ India was more peaceful, had no large temples, had good hygiene, and had a water system. ~ India's writing has yet to be fully translated, the others have ~ Different geography
What are some similarities between ancient India, Egypt, & Mesopotamia? ~ Cities built next to rivers ~ All had writing on clay tablets, pots, seals, & walls ~ Had social orders
What are the nine basic beliefs of Hinduism? 1.) One Supreme Being 2.) Divinity of Four Vedas 3.) World undergoes endless cycles 4.) Karma 5.) Soul reincarnates until all karma resolved 6.) Divine unseens beings exist 7.) Enlightened master is essential 8.) All life is sacred 9.) No religion is only way
What is Dharma? Divine law that prevails over every level of existence and is related to the soul
What is karma? Cause/effect; good deeds, thoughts, etc. that dictate next reincarnation. Create your own destiny
What is reincarnation? The belief that a soul will continue to live on earth through rebirths until all karma is resolved. No soul is deprived from reincarnation
Who is Brahma? The first god of triumvirate who created the world, and created the vedas, one from each of his mouths
Who is Vishnu? Second god of the triumvirate who preserves the world, maintain order/harmony. Depicted as a blue-skinned man with 4 arms.
Who is Shiva? The third god of the triumvirate who is to destroy the world and re-create it. Depicted with occasionally a blue body, has a third eye, and a trident
Who is Ganesh? Remover of obstacles, patron of arts/sciences. Depicted with an elephant's head on a human body
Who is Krishna? Teacher of sacred scripture, considered to be an avatar (direct descent from God). Depicted with blue-black skin, wearing a yellow loincloth and crown of peacock feathers
Who is Saraswati? Goddess of knowledge, art, music, wisdom, learning. Depicted as graceful youth with white skin and white sari.
A passage from the Rig Veda tells of how the world was formed from Purusa. Who came from what body part? "The brahmin was his mouth, his two arms became the Kshatriyas, his thighs are what the vaisya is, and from his feet, the shudra was made."
Who are the brahmin? The seers, reflective ones, priests
Who are the Kshatriyas? Protectors of society, warriors, nobles
Who are the vaisyas? The craftsmen, artisans, farmers, producers of material things
who are the shudras? The unskilled laborers or laboring class
Who are the Harijan? "Untouchables" ~ Hired to do dirty work ~ Sight of them forbidden in temples, schools, wells ~ Worked at night
What are the jobs of the Harijan? ~ Cleaning up feces, sweat, urine ~ sweepers, washers
What is the goal of Hinduism? All about truth within us. There is no correct way to salvation. Continue to reincarnate until all issues are resolved, reach pinnacle of consciousness where man/God are one
How do karma and reincarnation contribute to the Caste System? If you had bad karma, you were believed to reincarnate into a lower caste of the caste system. The lower the caste, the more karma you had to resolve.
Name 4 advantages of the caste system ~ Allowed continuity of traditions ~ Divided work among everybody ~ Prevented exploitation of labor ~ Separate castes were able to work together ~ Families, with no intermarriage, could have pure lineages
Name 4 disadvantages of the caste system ~ Higher castes would take advantage of/exploit lower castes ~ Separation caused distrust in other castes ~ Caste system weakened ability to defend themselves ~ Warfare was hard/uncoordinated ~ Higher castes only helped themselves
How was the caste system justified by the theory of Gunas? Gunas' qualities have dominance that cause people to act differently & fits them well for certain occupations
How was the caste system justified by the Vedas? No caste system idea approved if not found in the Vedas.
How was the caste system justified by karma? People of lower castes have to blame themselves for their suffering due to their past misdeeds in past lives
How was the caste system justified by religious laws? Caste system justified by Smriti literature, and law books are meant to justify caste system & provide clear guidelines to enforce laws concerning social division
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