Key terms organ. chapter 4


Psychology Fichas sobre Key terms organ. chapter 4, creado por Iris Freiberger el 27/03/2019.
Iris Freiberger
Fichas por Iris Freiberger, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Iris Freiberger
Creado por Iris Freiberger hace más de 5 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
perception process by which ind. select, organise, and interpret input from senses
accurate perception perception as close as possible to true nature of target
schema abstract knowledge structure stored in memory that makes organisation and interpretation of info possible
stereotype set of simplified and often inaccurate beliefs about typ. characteristics of a part. group
perceiver´s motivational state needs, values, and desires of perceiver at time of perception
perceiver´s mood how perceiver feels at time of perception
social status a person´s real or perceived position in a society
impression management attempt to control perceptions or impressions of others
salience extent to which a target of perception stands out in a group
bias systematic tendency to use info in a way that results in inaccurate perception
primacy effect biased perception first info perceiver has about target has influence on perceiver´s perception of target
contrast effect biased perception perception of target are distorted by perceiver´s perception of others
halo effect biased perception general impression of target distorts perception of target on specific dimensions
knowledge-of-predictor bias biased perception knowing target´s standing on a predictor pf performance influences perceiver´s perception of target
self-fulfilling prophecy prediction comes true because perceiver expects it to come true
attribution explanation of cause of behaviour
attribution theory group of theories that describes ho people explain the causes of behaviour
internal attribution cause of behaviour to some characteristics of target
external attribution cause of behaviour to due to outside forces
fundamental attribution error tendency to overattribute behaviour to internal rather than external causes
actor-observer effect attribute behaviour of others to internal causes, one´s own behaviour to external causes
self-serving attribution tendency to take credit for success and avoid blame for failures
mentoring experienced member of a group provides advice for less-experienced member
quid pro quo sexual harassment force member to perform sexual favours to receive some opportunity
hostile work environment sexual harassment offensive, intimidating or hostile work environment because of person´s sex
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