Minnesota School Of Bartending


Minnesota School Of Bartending
Fichas por Bartender, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por Bartender hace casi 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Whiskey Water Highball Glass, Ice cubes 1 shot of whiskey Fill with water All drinks with ice get a straw NOTE: Shot means whatever amount the bar pours - 1 ounce is the average. NOTE: CTall means use larger Highball or Tall Cooler glass. Only when requested.
Scoth & Soda Highball glass, ice cubes 1 shot Scotch Fill with Club Soda NOTE: Clud Soda, Charged Water, Sparkling Water and Carbonated Water all mean the same. NOTE: Club Soda is a dry Carbonated Water
Rum & Coke/ Cuba Libre Highball glass, ice cubes 1 shot Rum Fill with Coke NOTE: CUBA LIBRE is a Rum & Coke with a Lime garnish.
GIN & TONIC Highball glass, ice cubes 1 shot GIn Fill with Tonic Water Garnish with Lime NOTE: Tonic is a bitter carbonated water. NOTE: All drinks with tonic water get a lime garnish.
Amaretto Sour Highball glass, ice cubes 1 shot Amaretto Fill with lemon sour
Presbyterian or Press Highball glass, ice cubes 1 shot Whiskey Fill with 1/2 7up, 1/2 Club Soda
Screwdriver Highball glass, ice cubes 1 shot Vodka Fill with Orange Juice
Fuzzy Navel Highball glass, ice cubes 1 shot Peach Schnapps Fill with Orange Juice
Shot of Whiskey Nervous glass 1 shot whiskey NOTE: Customers may order a Beer wash or Chase. Shot on the Rocks - LowBall Glass with ice 3/4 full.
Shot of Tequila Nervous glass 1 shot Tequila NOTE: Most bars serve salt and lime with a shot of Tequila.
Greyhound Highball glass, ice cubes 1 shot Vodka Fill with Grapefruit Juice NOTE: Salty Dog is a Greyhound with salt on rim of glass.
Cape Cod Highball Glass, ice cubes 1 shot Vodka Fill with Cranberry Juice Garnish with Lime
Sea Breeze Highball Glass, ice cubes 1 shot Vodka Fill with 1/2 Cranberry Juice, 1/2 Grapefruit Juice.
Bay Breeze Highball Glass, ice cubes 1 shot of Vodka Fill with 1/2 Cranberry Juice, 1/2 Pinneapple Juice
Bloody Mary Tall Cooler or Poco Grande Glass, ice cubes 1 shot Vodka Dash of Tabasco Sauce Dash Worcestershire Sauce Fill with Tomato Juice Garnish with Celery, Pickle, or Lime
Wine Spritzer Tall Cooler Glass, ice cubes Fill halfway with House White Wine Fill halfway with Club Soda NOTE: Wine Cooler is half red Wine and half 7up
Tom Collins Tall Cooler Glass, ice cubes 1 shot Sweet Sour mix 1 Shot of Gin Fill with Club Soda Dash of Grenadine Garnish with Cherry and Orange Slice
Tequila Sunrise Tall Cooler Glas, ice cubes 1 shot Tequila Fill with Orange Juice Dash of Grenadine Garnish with Cherry and Orange Slice
Shirley Temple Or Kiddie Cocktail Tall Cooler /glass, ice cubes Fill with 7up Dash of Grenadine Garnish with Cherry and Orange Slice
Black Russian Lowball Glass, ice cubes 1 1/2 Shot of Vodka 3/4 shot Kahlua Garnish with Hazelnuts (opt.)
White Russian Lowball Glass, ice cubes 1 shot Vodka 3/4 shot Kahlua 1/2 shot Cream Garnish with Hazelnuts (opt.) NOTE: Cream is half and half
Iron Butterfly Lowball Glass, ice cubes 1 shot Vodka 3/4 shot Kahlua 1/2 shot Bailey's Irish Cream Garnish with Hazelnuts (opt.)
Colorado Bulldog Tall Cooler Glass, ice cubes 1 Shot Vodka 3/4 Shot Kahlua 1/2 shot Cream Fill with Coke NOTE: Irish Bulldog and Bailey's Irish Cream in place of Cream
B-52 Liqueur Glass Fill with 1/3 Kahlua Float with 1/3 Bailey's Irish Cream Float with 1/3 Grand Marnier NOTE: Mud Slide layer Vodka in place of Grand Marnier
Manhattan Lowball Glass, ice cubes 1 1/2 shots Whisky 1/2 shot sweet vermouth Garnish with Cherry NOTE: May be requested UP. When making these drinks UP, make them in a mixing glass. Stir or Shake, and strain into a chilled Cocktail glass with the Garnish in the glass. Pour in front of customer.
Dry Manhattan Lowball Glass, ice cube 1 1/2 shot whisky 1/4 shot Dry vermouth Garnish with Olive NOTE: May be requested UP. When making these drinks UP, make them in a mixing glass. Stir or Shake, and strain into a chilled Cocktail glass with the Garnish in the glass. Pour in front of customer.
Perfect Manhattan Lowball Glass, ice cubes 1 1/2 shots Whiskey 1/4 shot Dry Vermouth 1/4 shot sweet Vermouth Garnish with Olive NOTE: ROB ROYS same as Manhattan subsitute Scotch in place of Whiskey NOTE: May be requested UP. When making these drinks UP, make them in a mixing glass. Stir or Shake, and strain into a chilled Cocktail glass with the Garnish in the glass. Pour in front of customer.
Stinger Lowball Glass, ice cubes 1 1/2 shots Brandy 3/4 shot White Creme Dem Menthe Garnish with Hazelnuts (opt.) NOTE: May be requested UP. When making these drinks UP, make them in a mixing glass. Stir or Shake, and strain into a chilled Cocktail glass with the Garnish in the glass. Pour in front of customer.
GodFather Lowball Glass, ice cubes 1 1/2 shots scotch 3/4 shot Amartto Garnish with Hazelnuts (opt.) NOTE: May be requested UP. When making these drinks UP, make them in a mixing glass. Stir or Shake, and strain into a chilled Cocktail glass with the Garnish in the glass. Pour in front of customer.
Gimlet Lowball Glass, ice cubes 1 1/2 shots Vodka 1/2 shot Rose's Lime Juice Garnish with Lime NOTE: May be requested UP. When making these drinks UP, make them in a mixing glass. Stir or Shake, and strain into a chilled Cocktail glass with the Garnish in the glass. Pour in front of customer.
Martini Lowball glass, ice cubes 2 shots Gin a few drops of Dry Vermouth Garnish with Olive DIRTY MARTINI: add dash of Olive Juice NOTE: Martini is served on the rocks depending on the bar NOTE: Dry, Extra Dry, or Naked Martini means no Dry Vermouth.
Cosmopolitian Martini (COSMO) Mixing Glass, ice cubes 1 1/2 shots Absolute citron Vodka Dash of Triple sec Splash of Cranberry Juice Shake or Stir Garnish with Lemon Twist Strain into cocktail glass
Lemon Drop Martini Mixing glass, ice cubes 1 1/2 shots Absolut Cirtron Vodka Dash of Triple sec Splash of lemon Sour Shake or Stir Garnish with Lemon Twist Strain into cocktail glass
Apple martini (Appletini) Mixing glass, ice cubes 1 shot Vodka 1 shot sour apple schnapps Dash of sweet sour mix Shake or Stir Garnish with Cherry Strain into Cocktail glass
Raseberry martini Mixinig Glass, ice cubes 1 shot Vodka 1 shot raseberry schnapps Dash of sweet and sour mix Shake or stir Garnish with Raseberry (opt.) Strain into Cocktail Glass NOTE: Some bars use Chambord Raseberry liqueur in place of Raseberry Schnapps
Chocolate martini Mixing glass, ice cubes 1 shot vodka 1 shot of Dark Creme De Cacao Dash of bailys irish Cream Shake or Stir Strain into cocktail glass NOTE: some bars use Godiva Chocolate Liqueur in place of Dark Creme De Cacao.
Root Beer Barrel Lowball glass Fill lowball glass 1/3 with beer Place shot glass in lowball glass Fill shot glass with rootbeer Schnapps
jager bomb (Jagger bull) Lowball glass fill with lowball glass 1/3 with red bull place shot glass in lowball glass fill shot glass with jagermeister
Kamikaze Mixing glass ice cubes 1 shot vodka dash of sweet sour mix dash of roses lime juice dash of triple sec Shake and Strain into nervous glass
Peach kamikaze Mixing glass, ice cubes 3/4 shot vodka 3/4 shot peach schnapps dash of sweet sour mix splash of 7up Shake and Strain into Nervous Glass
Purple Hooter Mixing glass, ice cubes 3/4 shot Vodka 3/4 shot chambord or Raseberry Schnapps Dash of Sweet Sour mix Splash of 7up Shake and Strain into Nervous Glass
Dead Nazi Mixing Galss, ice cubes 3/4 shot Rumple Minze Schnapps 3/4 shot jagermeister Shake and Strain into Nervous Glass
Scooby Snack Mixing Glass, ice cubes 3/4 Shot Malibu Rum 3/4 shot midori splash of pinneapple juice splash of cream Shake and Strain into Nervous Glass
Washington Apple Mixing Glass, ice cube 3/4 shot whiskey 3/4 shot sour apple pucker splash of cranberry juice Shake and Strain into Nervous Glass NOTE: some bars use crown royal whiskey in place of whiskey
Water mocassin Mixing Glass, ice cubes 3/4 shot whiskey 3/4 shot peach schnapps 1/4 shot sweet sour 1/4 shot triple sec splash of pineapple juice shake and strain into nervous glass NOTE: some bars use crown royal whiskey in place of whiskey
Daiquiri Blender or Mixing Glass, ice cubes Fiesta Glass 1 1/12 shot sweet sour mix 1 shot Rum Blend or Shake, Pour into Glass Garnish with lime
Strawberry daiquiri Blender or mixing glass, ice cubes Fiesta Glass 1 1/12 shot sweet sour mix 1 shot Rum 1 1/2 Strawberry mix Blend or shake, Pour into glass Garnish with lime or strawberry
Margarita Blender or mixing glass, ice cubes feista Glass Coat rim of glass with salt 1 shot sweet sour mix 1/2 shot triple sec 1 shot tequila Blend or Shake, Pour into Glass Garnish with lime
Straberry Margarita Blender or Mixing glass, ice cubes feista Glass Coat rim of glass with sugar (opt.) 1 shot sweet sour mix 1/2 triple sec 1 shot tequila 1 1/12 shot strawberry mix Blend or shake, pour into glass Garnish with lime or strawberry
Grasshopper Blender or mixing glass, ice cubes feista glass 1 shot cream or ice cream 3/4 shot White Creme De Cacao 3/4 shot Green Creme De Menthe Blend or shake, pour into glass Garnish with hazelnuts (opt.) NOTE: All drinks made with ice cream must be blended.
Golden Cadillac Blender or Mixing glass, ice cubes Feista glass 1 shot cream or ice cream 3/4 shot white creme de cacao 3/4 shot galliano Blend or shake, pour into glass Garnish with Hazelnuts (opt.) NOTE: All drinks made with ice cream must be blended.
Brandy alexander Blender or mixing glass, ice cubes feista glass 1 shot cream or ice cream 3/4 shot Dark creme de cacao 3/4 shot brandy Blend or shake, pour into glass garnish with hazelnut (opt.) NOTE: All drinks made with ice cream must be blended.
Pinea colada Blending or mixing glass, ice cubes tall coller or poco grande glass 2 shot pineapple juice 1 1/2 shot Rum 1 shot coconut syrup blend or shake, pour into glass garnish with cherry and pinneapple or cherry and orange slice NOTE: CHI CHI is Vodka instead of Rum
Sex on the beach Tall cooler or poco grande glass, ice cubes 3/4 shot peach schnapps 3/4 shot malibu rum 3/4 shot cream fill with half pineapple juice, half orange juice Garnish with cherry and orange slice
Long island ice tea Tall cooler glass, ice cubes 3/4 shot sweet sour mix 3/4 shot gin 3/4 shot vodka 3/4 shot rum 3/4 shot triple sec splash of coke garnish with lemon wedge NOTE: Long beach tea you add cranberry juice instead of coke
Old fashioned Lowball glass, ice cubes 1/2 shot old fashioned mix 1 shot whiskey fill with club soda garnish with lemon twist, cherry and orange slice
Old fashioned from scratch lowball glass 1 pack of sugar 2 dashes of angostura bitters add splash of club soda and stir add ice cubes 1 shot whiskey fill with club soda garnish with lemon twist, cherry and orange slice NOTE: if they ask for sweet old fashioned you just double the amount of sugar
Hot brandy Hot drink glass preheat glass 1 shot brandy 1 pack sugar or 1 teaspoon honey fill with boiling water stir sqeeze and drop leamon wedge nutmeg or cinnamon on top NOTE: Hot toddy add whiskey instead of brandy
Irish coffee Hot drink glass preheat glass 1 shot irish whiskey 1 pack sugar fill with coffee 3/4 full stir top with whip cream
keoke coffee Hot drink glass preheat glass 3/4 shot brandy 3/4 shot kahlua fill with coffee 3/4 full top with whip cream
Baily's & Coffee hot drink glass preheat glass 1 shot baily's irish cream fill with coffee 3/4 full top with whip cream
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