Periods/ Styles


HUM 250 Fichas sobre Periods/ Styles, creado por Kay_C el 06/10/2013.
Fichas por Kay_C, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por Kay_C hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Prehistory: -Paleolithic -Neolithic Paleolithic: old stone age, ca. 50,000- 10,000 BCE Neolithic: new stone age, ca. 8,000- 3,000 BCE; "birth of civilization" with domestication of animals, cultivation of crops and settled life
Egyptian ca 550-327 BCE -marked by construction of pyramids, i.e. Giza -mummification process reflected belief in "ka": the person would be mummified so that their "ka" could live on in the afterlife -Akhenaten (servant of Aten) takes control -> focus on god Aten (sun disk); Egypt is Henothesistic in his case -Polytheistic
Prehistory: -Paleolithic -Neolithic Paleolithic: Old Stone Age, ca. 50,000-10,000 BCE Neolithic: New Stone Age, ca. 8.000-3,000 BCE; "birth of civilization" w/ domestication of animals, cultivation of crops, and settled life
Prehistory: -Paleolithic -Neolithic Paleolithic: Old Stone Age, ca. 50,000-10,000 BCE Neolithic: New Stone Age, ca. 8,000-3,000 BCE; "birth of civilization" w/ domestication of animals, cultivation of crops, and settled life
Mesopotamia Sumerian, Akkadian, Asyrian and Babylonian cultures ca. 3,500-612 BCE
Mesopotamian Sumerian, Akkadian, Asyrian and Babylonian cultures ca. 3,500-612 BCE
Mesopotamian Sumerian, Akkadian, Asyrian and Babylonian cultures ca. 3,500-612 BCE
Persian ca 550-327 BCE feuded with Greece ->Persian war Xerxes destroyed Athenian acropolis which led to it being reconstructed with excess funds from the Delian League and caused the Peloponnesian War
Minoan ca. 3,000-1,100 BCE -island of Crete -named after King Minos whose palace is located in Knossos-> friezes and frescos -linear A writing -possibly matriarchal
Mycenaean ca. 1,900-1,100 BCE -aggressive warrior people -Linear B writing -Lionsgate -> apotropaic piece to scare off intruders or evils -Repousse art: Mask of Aggamemnon and Vapheio Cups
Archaic Greece ca. 800-480 BCE -Orientalizing period -narrative art (tell a story)-> visually, i.e.: vase of Achilles Killing Penthesila; or orally, i.e.: Homer's epic poems The Iliad and The Odyssey; lyric poetry, i.e.: Sappho -Olympic and Chthnonic gods appeared here -marked my Doric temples -Kouros and Kore sculptures
Classical Greece ca. 500-532 BCE -city-states often feud w/ one another -Doric and Ionic temples -Persian Wars-> Delian League-> Peloponnesian War -figures such as Pericles, Socrates, Aristotle, etc. -contrapposto sculptures
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