BAM - Midterm 2


Business As Mission / Midterm Two (Will Be Longer Than Last Midterm Because Final Is Cancelled)
Annelle Rosales
Fichas por Annelle Rosales, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Annelle Rosales
Creado por Annelle Rosales hace casi 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
WWJD -What would Jesus do? -The question you ask yourself -Book: In His Steps -Author: Charles Shelton -Year: 1897
THE FOUR WAY TEST -Paul Harris: Rotary International -Four questions: 1. Is it the truth? 2. Is it fair? 3. Will it build good will and better friendships? 4. Will it be beneficial to all concern?
GLAD YOU ASKED -US Air Force: Chief of Staff -60 mins: If they asked about any sketchy work that a company was doing they would respond w/ "I'm glad you asked" and then talk about the good they/ the company was doing
PURPOSE OF BUSINESS -To serve: God People Community
BAM EQUATION BAM = KC + XC + CD KC = Kingdom Company XC = Cross Cultural CD = Community Development
KC BASIC'S (kingdom company) -Two main principles: 1. Lead company for Christ 2. manage by biblical principles
HUMAN MATRIX OF NEEDS (there is 6) -Biological Needs -Cultural Needs -Physical Needs -Psychological Needs -Social Needs -Spiritual Needs
WORLDVIEW -The lens through which a person sees the world: Assumptions Values Allegiances
CULTURE -This is not specific (think broad) -Based on religion, language, art, music, politics
SUBCULTURE -More specific -Christianity, english, pottery, rock music, republican, hope student
PRODUCTS (two types) -Tangible: physical things you can touch ex. toys, cell phone -Intangible: a service ex. UPS, car wash, phone app2
ENCULTURATION -Type of culture you are born into (beliefs, understanding, things you learned because you're born in that environment)
ACCULTURATION -When you take on a second culture -BUT you don't replace your original culture with it
ASSIMILATION -You replace your old culture with your new one
CONTEXT -Place or setting of business
CONTEXTUALIZATION -Taking your business and placing it in a context -How to make your business appropriate for your context
EMIC -Insider
ETIC -Outsider -Paraclete (helper)
THE EMIC-ETIC RULE -Based on decisions [-emics cannot make rules for the etic] -The etic can only be a paraclete
PARACLETE -Is a helper -Basic rule: work with them NOT for them BIBLE: Holy spirit = paraclete
RELIEF -Restores something back to normal -Two types: Urban Disaster
DISASTER RELIEF Relief for: -hurricane -tornado (semi long term/still short term)
URBAN RELIEF -What does this look like: Homeless shelters, soup kitchens (short term)
DEVELOPMENT -Improvement of the normal life (long term)
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT -Top -> down -The government, or bigger organization, will impact change and it will trickle down to the places that need assistant -Focus: infrastructure [hospitals, police, bridges]
COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT -Bottom -> up -Micro level (micro development) -Focus: jobs, creating and social services ex. drilling a well, teaching at local schools, tutoring
FOUR COMMANDMENTS 1. The Cultural Mandate 2. The Great Commandments 3. The Holistic Commitment 4. The Great Commission
FOUR COMMANDMENTS: 1. THE CULTURAL MANDATE -Stewards of the earth *Gen 1:28-30 *Gen 2:5 & 18
FOUR COMMANDMENTS: 2. THE GREAT COMMANDMENTS -Love God / Love people *Matthew 22:37-40
FOUR COMMANDMENTS: 3. THE HOLISTIC COMMITMENT -Care for people holistically (the whole person) -Physical, spiritual, emotional *Matthew 25: sheep and goats
FOUR COMMANDMENTS: 4. THE GREAT COMMISSION -Go into the world and make disciples *Matthew 28:18-20 *Acts 1:8
PRIESTHOOD OF ALL BELIVERS 1. Direct access to God 2. We are all priest WHY is it important to BAM? 1. Legitimacy to the movement 2. Empowers the laity (aka: non clergy)
PRIESTHOOD OF ALL BELIEVERS: DOCTRINE/HISTORY 1. Mosaic Covenant: ONLY Moses could talk to God 2. Leviticus: Access to God through the priests, tribe of Levi 3. New Covenant (Jesus): Jesus is the hight priest; we all have access to God 4. Roman Catholic Church: access through priests 5. Reformation: Martin Luther, 95 thesis, we all have access to God
COROLLARY PRINCIPLES -Ownership = God runs your business -Creditors = people you need to pay back on time
K-ROI: -Kingdom return on investment -What does this mean for your business: measuring our kingdom impact
$-ROI: -Financial return on investment
KIO: -Kingdom impact opportunity (part of the functional analysis approach)
FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS APPROACH -You start product by product -Function by function -It helps you not be overwhelmed/ kingdom friendly
LEVELS OF FAITH INTEGRATION: -Internal -Inherent -External
INHERENT: -In something you're already doing; products; have excellence in what you do: in products/service -Quality products/services; safe; durable
INTERNAL: -Everything you do with your employees, venders, do and manage with biblical principles IN your organization Policies Practices Procedures/Programs
EXTERNAL: -How you interact in the community (you don’t do it for them but with them) with social bottom line
5 SYSTEMS: (connect to matrix needs) -Primary systems in society that involve to meet those needs: Economic Legal Political Religious Social
MATRIX: Human Needs Responses Patterns World Views Culture Subculture Society + Systems Products
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