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Creado por Alexandra Vollenweider
hace más de 9 años
Pregunta | Respuesta |
os temporale | thick bone on side of cranium encasing inner ear #8 |
os occipitale | base of skull #7 |
os parietale | side and top of skull #2 |
os frontale | #1 |
Mastoideum | little bulge on temporal lobe behind the ear |
maxilla | upper jaw #10 |
mandibula | lower jaw #11 |
clavicula | collar bone Schlüsselbein |
scapula | shoulder blade Schulternblatt |
sternum | breast bone Brustbein |
costa(e) | ribs |
Columna vertebralis - pars sacralis | back bone sacrum, Kreuzbein (red (high), #5) |
Columna vertebralis - pars cervicalis | back bone nuchal part (blue,#7) |
Columna vertebralis - pars thoracalis | back bone thoracalis part (purple,#12) |
Columna vertebralis - pars lumbalis | back bone Lendenwirbelsäule (green, #5) |
Columna vertebralis - pars coccygea | back bone tailbone Steissbein (red (low), #2-4) |
acromion | part of scapula at shoulder |
Olecranon - condylus | ellbowjoint-part at ulna - cartilage at contact site with other bones |
Ulna | Elle |
radius | Speiche |
carpus carpal bones | smaller wrist bones |
metacarpus metacarpal bones | middle part 5 bones |
os ilium | broad, flaring portion of hip bone yellow |
crista iliaca | iliac crest |
spina iliaca anterior inferior | |
os ischiadicum | Sitzbein red |
os pubis | Schambein green |
acetabulum | Beckenpfanne Hüftgelenk blue |
caput femoris | head of thigh bone |
collum femoris | femoral neck |
trochanter major | |
trochantor minor | |
patella | Kniescheibe knee cap |
tibia | shin bone Shienbein |
malleoulus medialis | region of tibia where in contact with talus |
fibula | calf bone |
malleolus lateralis | region of fibula where in contact with talus |
talus | ankle bone |
calcaneus | heel Ferse |
tarsus | light blue bones |
metatarsus | dark blue bones |
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