Creado por WolfAngel2011
hace más de 11 años
Pregunta | Respuesta |
Meiosis | Process of making gametes (4 genetically different cells from one parent cell);occurs in two different phases (I or II) |
Haploid | Cell that contains only one copy of a chromosome set (23 chromosomes in human gametes) |
Diploid | Cell with PAIRS of homologous chromosomes (46 total chromosomes in humans) |
Gamete | Sex cell (sperm or egg) - always haploid, so when combined together a diploid organism is created |
Crossing Over | Occurs in prophase I of meiosis; genes are exchanged between two chromosomes, which leads to genetic diversity (reason why the 4 daughter cells are genetically different) |
Gene | Segment of repeating nucleotides in DNA that codes for a trait |
Allele | Alternative form of a gene located at a specific point in a chromosome (Hh has two different alleles:H and h) |
Dominant Trait | Trait that appears over a recessive form when both are present |
Recessive trait | A trait that does not appear unless the dominant trait is absent (cc represents an individual who has Cystic Fibrosis, which is recessive) |
Homozygous | Two identical alleles (HH or hh); Homo=Same |
Heterozygous | Two non-identical alleles (Hh); Herero=Different |
Carrier | An individual who has an allele for a recessive trait, but does not express it because a dominant one overrules it (Cc is a carrier of Cystic Fibrosis, a recessive condition) |
Genotype | GENetic make up of a trait (RR, Rr, or rr) |
Phenotype | PHysical appearance of a trait (round or wrinkled peas) |
punnet square | A diagram/chart used to predict the outcome of a certian pair of mating individuals based on one trait (AKA: monohybrid cross) |
Pedigree | Graphic diagram showing a relationship within a family (circles=females and squares=males; shaded=affected by a certain trait and unshaded=not affected) |
Co-dominace | Both alleles show dominace in true form (red+white=splotchy red and white |
Incomplete dominace | Neither alleles is completely domnant over the other, so they blind together (red+white=pink) |
Sex-linked trait | trait carried by the X chromosome, which causes the trait to appear most often in males when the Y chromosome is incapable of showing dominace over the trait |
Nondisjunction | Failure of a chromosome to seperate; causes genetic disorders |
Down syndrome | (trisomy 21) occurs when an individual has 3 chromsomes on the 21st pair instead of 2;caused by NONDISJUNCTION |
Karyotype | Pictogaphic spread of an individual's chromosomes grouped in homologous pairs; all normal humans have 46 |
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