WJEC Level 2 Latin Language Vocabulary (Q)


WJEC Level 2 Certificate in Latin Language & Roman Civilisation and Level 2 Certificate in Latin Language Specification 36
Gian Hernandez
Fichas por Gian Hernandez, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Gian Hernandez
Creado por Gian Hernandez hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
quaero quaerare quaesivi quesitus search for look for ask
qualis? quale what sort of?
quam than how...? how...!
quamquam although
quantus? quanta quantum how big? how much?
quattuor four
-que and
qui quae quod who which
quinque five
quis? quid who? what?
quo? where to
quod because
quo modo? how? in what way?
quoque also too
quot how many?
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