Ch. 3 - Resolving Conflict in the Workplace [Definitions]


Leaving Certificate (Ch. 3 - Resolving Conflict in the Workplace) Business Fichas sobre Ch. 3 - Resolving Conflict in the Workplace [Definitions], creado por amanda.acton el 26/01/2014.
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Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Industrial Relations Refers to the quality of the relations that exist between the managers and the employees in an organisation.
Industrial Dispute A legal term referring to any conflict between workers and employees.
Trade Unions Organisations that represent the views and interests of employees in matters concerning pay and conditions of employment.
ICTU The body that speaks and acts for all unions in the Republic of Ireland.
Cost-of Living Claim Arises where employees want their wages to keep up with inflation.
Comparability Claim Arises where employees want similar pay and conditions to workers doing comparable work in a different company.
Relativity Claim Occurs where one group of workers want to maintain higher pay than another group.
Productivity Claim Occurs where workers seek improved pay and conditions as a reward for increasing their output and efficiency.
Individual Bargaining Occurs when the employer negotiates individually with an employee.
Collective Bargaining Occurs when an employer negotiates collectively with a group of employees, usually through a trade union representative.
Social Partners Comprise representatives of the government, employers (through IBEC), and employees (through ICTU).
Social Partnership Refers to the process whereby the government, employers, and employees agree pay and conditions nationally.
Industrial Relations Act 1990 The law that sets out the rules concerning industrial disputes and strikes.
Secret Ballot Means that how a person votes remains confidential.
Official Disputes Legitimate trade disputes that have received the approval of a majority of workers in a secret ballot, along with trade union and ICTU support.
Unofficial Disputes Have no union or ICTU support.
Wildcat Strike A type of unofficial dispute where no advance notice or warning is given to management.
Picketing Involves employees and trade union officials walking up and down outside the workplace indicating a strike is in progress.
Labour Relations Commission Was established by the Industrial Relations Act 1990 as a specialist agency to help with resolving industrial disputes.
Token Stoppages Involve workers stopping work for a short period of time to demonstrate their strength of feeling to the employer.
Work-to-rule Means employees only do their basic job and nothing more.
Go-slow Occurs when employees carry out the minimum amount of work they can get away with without jeopardising their basic pay.
Overtime Bans Occur where workers refuse to work extra hours.
All-out Strike Means all union members in an organisation are ordered by the ICTU to stop working and leave the premises.
Labour Relations Commission A State agency that helps to resolve industrial disputes.
Conciliation Means that an industrial relations officer at the LRC assists employers and union representatives to sort out their differences and negotiate a solution themselves.
Rights Commissioner Service For just one or a small group of workers concerning unfair dismissal, maternity leave, or disciplinary procedures.
Codes of Practice A set of recommended voluntary rules used in industrial relations to solve disputes.
Labour Court The 'court of last resort' in industrial disputes. It provides an arbitration service by listening to both sides in a dispute by recommending a solution.
JLCs A forum for negotiating minimum pay and conditions in industries where many workers do not have union protection.
Dismissal Means to be sacked from a job due to incompetence, dishonesty, or breach of company discipline.
Unfair Dismissals Act 1977 to 2007 The laws preventing employees from being dismissed from their job for unfair reasons.
Redundancy Occurs when workers are let go from a job because there is no longer enough work for them.
Voluntary Redundancy Is offered to those who wish to apply for it.
Compulsory Redundancies Arise when employees are not given a choice and must leave.
Constructive Dismissal Means that making working conditions for employees so difficult that the employee is forced to leave their job
Employment Equality Act 1998 The law that says it is illegal to discriminate against anyone at work on the basis of... 1. Gender 2. Martial status 3. Family status 4. Age 5. Disability 6. Race 7. Sexual orientation 8. Religion 9. Traveller status
Discrimination Occurs when one person is treated in a less favourable way than another person is, has been, or would be treated in a comparable situation.
Equality Authority The state agency responsible for ensuring that businesses do not break equality laws.
Director of Equality Investigations Is responsible for actually investigating complaints concerning discrimination referred by the equality authority.
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