37. There Are Four Ways To Be Creative


Ways to be creative
Ranary Mey
Fichas por Ranary Mey, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Ranary Mey
Creado por Ranary Mey hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Ex: Thomas Edison Deliberate and cognitive creativity
Ex: Therapeutic A-ha Moment Deliberate and emotional creativity
Ex: Newton and the apple Spontaneous and cognitive creativity
Ex: Artists, Musicians Spontaneous and emotional creativity
Deliberate and cognitive creativity requires a high degree of knowledge and lots of time. If you want people to show this type of creativity, you have to make sure you are providing enough prerequisite information. You need to give resources of where people can go to get the information they need to be creative. You also need to give them enough time to work on the problem.
Deliberate and emotional creativity Deliberate and emotional creativity requires quiet time. You can provide questions or things for people to ponder, but don’t expect that they will be able to come up with answers quickly and just by interacting with others at a Web site. For example, creating an online support site for people with a particular problem might ultimately result in deliberate and emotional creativity, but the person will probably have to go offline and have quiet time to have the insights. Suggest that they do that and then come back online to share their insights with others.
Spontaneous and cognitive creativity requires stopping work on the problem and get- ting away. If you are designing a Web application or site where you expect people to solve a problem with this kind of creativity, you will need to set up the problem in one stage and then have them come back a few days later with their solution.
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