Multinational Marketng


Marketing Fichas sobre Multinational Marketng, creado por Amber Modena el 09/11/2016.
Amber Modena
Fichas por Amber Modena, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Amber Modena
Creado por Amber Modena hace más de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) 1947! treaty that promoted trade in, replaced by WTO in 1995
(WTO) forum for trade-related negotiations with 150 members based in Geneva, dispute mediator, can enforce, can impose sanctions
Preferential Trade Agreements (PTAs) lower barriers for more trading special treatment within PTA
Free Trade Area 1. Eliminates tariffs and quotas among members only NAFTA
Customs Union 1. eliminates tariffs and quotas AND 2. has a common external tariff (CET) and quota system SICA
Common Market 1. eliminates tariffs and quotas, 2. sets a common external tariff (CET), 3. AND eliminates restriction on factor movements Andean Community
Economic Union 1. eliminates tariffs and quotas, 2. sets a common external tariff (CET), 3. eliminates restriction on factor movements, AND 4. harmonizes economic and social policies MERCOSUR
NAFTA established free trade, promotes economic growth through tariff reductions and expanded trade, no common external tariff
Central American Integration System (SICA) moving toward common market but still customs union, common external tariff, retains tariffs on goods also produced in importing country
Andean Community customs union which abolished foreign exchange and established common external tariffs
Common Market of the South (MERCOSUR) customs union wanting to become common market, no internal tariffs, external tariff up to 20%
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) trading partners- US, EU, China geographically close, historically divided
European Union began with 1958 treaty of Rome, harmonizes national laws, free-flowing, 1991 Maastricht Treaty merged currency into euro
Middle East oil, muslims, arabs, persian, jews
Gulf Cooperation Council 45% of world's oil, attempting to diversify indistries
Global Marketers' Task study and understand cultures to do business in, not be ethnocentric and have cultural myopia
Culture ways of living, built up by a group, transmitted across generations conscious and unconscious, physical and non-physical
Attitude tendency to respond in a consistent way to a given object or entity
Belief organized pattern of knowledge that someone holds to be true
Value enduring belief/feeling that a certain behavior is more moral than another
Red blood, wine-making, heat, vibrancy bad in some African countries good in China
white purity in the west death in the east
gray inexpensive in china and japan expensive in US
yellow indicates a merchant in china
blue in England and U.S. = fidelity
McDonaldization of Culture protest against the opening of McDonald's in Rome led to establishment of Slow Food movement
High Context culture information resides in CONTEXT emphasis on values and status less emphasis on paperwork focus on personal reputation polychronic
Low Context culture words carry a lot of weight emphasis on paperwork non-personal monochronic
Hofstede's Cultural Typology PIMULI/c power distance indulgence masculinity uncertainty avoidance long-term orientation individualism/collectivism
Self-reference criterion unconscious reference to one's own cultural values; creates cultural myopia; connected to ethnocentrism
Cultural myopia define the problem or goal make no value judgments isolate the SRC and examine it redefine the problem without SRC
Diffusion Theory: Adoption Process awareness interest evaluation trial adoption
Diffusion Theory: Characteristics of Innovation five factors affect it: relative advantage compatibility complexity divisibility communicability
Political Environment governmental institutions, political parties, and NGOs ---political culture
Political Risk Risk of change in political environment, a country will have a difficult time attracting foreign investment when perceived political risk is high
Taxes Government taxation policies: high taxation can lead to black market growth Corporate taxation: companies attempt to limit tax liability by shifting location of income
Expropriation governmental action to dispossess a foreign company of investor, includes compensation
Confiscation seizing a company, no compensation
Nationalization a government takes control of some or all enterprises in an industry
Creeping expropriation limits economic activities of foreign firms, squeezes a project
International Law rules and principles that nation-states consider binding among themselves
Common Law disputes are decided by reliance on past decisions, companies are legally incorporated by state authority, U.S. Uniform Commercial Code
Civil Law legal system reflects the structural concepts and principles of the Roman Empire, companies form contracts between two or more parties, China
Jurisdiction refers to a court's authority to rule on particular issues, courts have jurisdiction if it can be demonstrated that the company is doing business where the court sits
Patent gives an inventor exclusive right to make, use, and sell an invention for a specified period of time
Trademark distinctive mark, motto, device, or emblem used to distinguish it from competing products
Copyright establishes ownership of a written, recorded, performed, or filmed creative work
Counterfeiting unauthorized copying and production of a product (against a patent)
Associative Counterfeit/Imitation product name differs slightly from a well-known brand (trademark)
Piracy unauthorized publication or reproduction of copyrighted work
Antitrust laws designed to combat restrictive business practices and to encourage competition SHERMAN ACT- Don't trust Sherman! to avoid monopolies
Licensing a contractual agreement in which a licencor allows a licensee to use patents, trademarks, secrets, etc could be dangerous if licensee creates competition!
Trade Secrets confidential information or knowledge, use confidentiality contracts
Bribery and Corruption U.S. has Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act allows some bribery "grease" payments
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