Tutorial 2


(Tutorials) Culture & Literature Fichas sobre Tutorial 2, creado por Lisza Neumeier el 28/11/2016.
Lisza Neumeier
Fichas por Lisza Neumeier, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Lisza Neumeier
Creado por Lisza Neumeier hace alrededor de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Drama and Performance What form of presentation? -realistic? -communication model? -strategies? -multimedial form of presentation -stage forms influence the audience's experience of the production (relaistic imitation of reality, creation of aesthetic illusion) -distinction between text you read and performance itself -communication model: lack of mediation level (no narrator between stage and audience) -> different levels of communication -showing vs. telling (observing the action as it’s going on vs. narrator who analyses and is commenting on everything)
semiotics of theatre (theatre codes?) study of the signs and codes of theatre communication theatre codes: verbal and non-verbal sign systems of the theatre
dialogue – set the action of a drama in motion and ensure its progression – characterization – medium for conflict, for the clarification of opinions, expounding central themes
monologue a character speaks alone, but in the presence of others
soliloquy a character is alone on stage
aside control of the distribution of information -monological aside -dialogical aside -aside as spectatores
primary text vs. secondary text
Summary Characterisation Techniques
telling names Dolores Haze (Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov) Remus Lupin (Harry Potter) Benvolio (Romeo and Juliet)
identity • constructed • performed • relational • mediated by gender, class, race, ability etc. • essentialist and non-essentialist perspectives
essentialism -some essence in that person that is natural and given eg.: gender is sth of your essence (it is given) eg. when people say that Boy’s don’t cry because their men and it’s not in their nature, etc (essentialist perspective) -looking how a culture creates notions of gender
'Race', Racism and representation (non-essentialist perspective) -one human race -non-essentialist perspective: ‘race’ as a cultural and historical category ≠ fixed or natural -“a way of making difference signify between people of a variety of skin tones [...] Difference exists whether it is made to signify or not. But how it is made to signify is always a result of politics and power, rather than a question of biology. ” (e.g. We all have different ear sizes or types of nails, however how they are made to (not) signify/mea9n something is significant. (for us it doesn't mean) if it means sth, it is in relation with power
Articulation Cultural texts do not mean by themselves. They have to be articulated (made to mean in contexts). double meaning of articulation: 1.) to utter, to speak 2.) a truck/lorry, that has some kind of linkage that can be broken
example of articulation with pictures
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