Information Technology


Final exam
Matt Merlina
Fichas por Matt Merlina, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Matt Merlina
Creado por Matt Merlina hace alrededor de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Data Raw facts that occur in an organization
Information data that has been converted into a form that is meaningful
is to convert data into information What is the goal of using Information Systems?
Attributes or Field a characteristic of a person, place, object, event, or idea
File/Table a collection of fields that describe a person, place, object, or idea
Record/Observation is specific occurrence of a set of related fields.
Database is a group of related files or tables. This is how the way data is stored affects the ability to create information from data.
Organization is the reason why you can find data and how quickly you can find it How does organization affect how you can extract value from data?
Relational Database creating separate tables and relating them together.
Redundancy show the same data more than once in the related tables.
common field same field is stored in the related tables
Entity Relationship is the path from one table to another, based on shared attributes
More info available non-redundant data consistent flexible with queries Easily findable 5 Advantages of Databases
Key is the unique piece of data that identifies the record
Primary Key is a field or collection of fields whose values uniquely identify each record in a table
Concatenated Key More than one/same primary key
Foreign Key field that is found within a table that also appears as the primary key of another table
Database Management System software that lets us create databases and manipulate the data in them. Ex: tables, queries, forms, reports
Data Normalization logical process used to model data and the logical relationships between data. -Defines entities - Identifies keys that identify different records
Hierarchical file Organization Lots of Info Redundant Hard to get inside folders
Because with large amounts of data, it is easier to split them up and connect them together Why is data kept in different tables in a database?
They related by a common field How are tables related together in a database?
Limited amount of data-entry Redundant Data Hard to find values What are the disadvantages of Excel?
Webpage a document that can be accessed through the internet and displays through a web browser
HTML Hyper Text Markup Language
URL The address of a webpage. Universal Resource Locator
Web Browser a software application for retrieving and presenting information
Cascading Style Sheets What does CCS stand for?
Make your own keys calculated fields should be numbers smallest amount of characters Rules for making tables and keys
<img src="Matt.jpeg" alt="Description"<img/> Picture on html
<a href="">yahoo<a/> Website on HTML
<Ul> <li>Matt<li/> <ul/> Bullet, unordered list -Matt
<ol> <li>Matt<li/> <li>Merlina<li/> <ol/> Ordered, Number list 1. Matt 2. Merlina
<dl> <dt>Merlina<dt/> <dd>He's the best<dd/> <dl/> Terms with Descriptions Merlina He's the best
<t>.......<t/> <Meta charset='utf-8"> What doe the Head tags contain?
<doctype html> <html lang="en"> What tag starts a webpage?
<body> <h1> <p><p/> <h1/> <body/> <html/> What does the body contain?
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